Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Mind Of A Child - 893 Words
The Mind Of A Child Student s Name Institution The Mind of a Child Unlike adults, children cannot be punished even for committing serious crimes such as murder because the legal system indicates that young children cannot be held responsible for such crimes. There are biological, cognitive, and emotional or social development factors behind this policy. The biological argument for this policy holds that a child below six years would be excused from responsibility for their actions because their part of the brain that helps in strategizing, planning, and organization is not fully developed(Berger, 2014) . This argument further holds that it will be unfair to expect a child to have decision making and organizational skills levels as that of adults whose brains have been fully built. Since a child s brain is not finished being built, they cannot be totally rational; instead, they rely on the brain s emotional parts. In this scenario under consideration, it is clear that the child who killed the other seemed to have strongly responded with a gut respons e and as such he had not evaluated the consequences of whatever he was doing. Neuropsychologists have found out that the frontal lobe is involved in many of criminal culpability aspects, and therefore since a child s frontal lobe is not fully developed, he or she cannot be criminally culpable (Berger, 2014). The cognitive argument for this policy holds that a child s brain is still under a rigorous cognitiveShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of A Child s Mind910 Words  | 4 PagesA child’s mind is said to be one of the most curious types; it is always wondering and questioning the world around it. As a child, I was always inquisitive towards the world around me. Although many of the children of my generation passed their time by playing with Barbie dolls or watching Disney Channel, I took it upon myself to search for answers and better understand the world around me by submerging myself within the books of my local library. As I read more and more, my interests began to broadenRead More Isaac Asimov, Mind of a Child Essay1102 Words  | 5 Pagesboom. Many tales of science fantasy were created. The imagination of many was stirred violently as America and the U.S.S.R. were neck and neck in the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Space Raceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Magical tales of aliens and Martians were shape d by the twisted and horrifically minds of authors such as Isaac Asimov. Many remember the comical almost, ridiculous movies of the early nineteen fifties. At that time though, many believed them to be real and were frightened beyond normal convention. Many authors in this era began to evolveRead MoreChild s Mind And Brain Process New Information1566 Words  | 7 Pagesprocess the information, uses of the mental resources and skills, learning different languages and other characteristic that a child will develop comparing to an adult’s brain. For decades, different psychologist such as Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, and Lev Vygotsky have researched and created different kind of theories that helps the adults to understand how a child’s mind and brain process new information especially in their developing ages. Educational curriculum is always changing because of theRead MoreEvaluation Of A Classroom At The School Age Child s Theory Of Mind Essay1548 Words  | 7 Pa gesthe students to be aware that this strategy is an option! Recursive thought When it comes to discussing the school-age child’s theory of mind, recursive thought plays a huge role in the appreciation of second-order false belief. Second-order false belief allows a child to understand why another person believes a certain belief (Berk, 441, 1). In order for a child to be able to come to this conclusion, recursive thought must be used. A form of perspective taking is called recursive thought and is consideredRead MoreA Child s Mind Stands At Risk Of Stressors That Induce Development Of Behavioral Changes1107 Words  | 5 Pages Proposal Outline Shakeel Ahmed Instructor: Jeanette May Benedictine University, MPH_694_D1A5 September 20, 2015. â€Æ' Executive Summary: Problem: A child’s mind stands at risk of stressors that induce development of behavioral changes increasing the vulnerability to other substance abuse disorders. Comorbidity is defined as the presence of two disorders or illnesses that occur simultaneously, or in sequence. The characteristics of drug addiction include compulsive, at times uncontrollable drugRead MorePlay, Social-Emotional Development and Theory of Mind: Three Imprtans Aspects in Child Development2556 Words  | 11 Pagesand to form successful relationships throughout life (Cohen, 2005). The No Child Left Behind Act brought in in 2001 in the US, requires that all children attending state funded schools sit a standardised test to measure basic literacy, language and mathematical ability. Cognitive ability is an important aspect of a child’s development, but this essay puts forward that play, social-emotional understanding and theory of mind are more important aspects in a child’s development, e ach impacting on a child’sRead MoreThe influence of the Absorbent Mind, and the Sensitive Periods on the childs development of movement, language and social skills.1448 Words  | 6 PagesAbsorbent Mind and the Sensitive period and illustrate the influence of these periods on the child s development of movement, language and social skills. A child in his absorbent mind develops his movement, his language and social skills by soaking knowledge. He takes steps in different sensitive period and repeats his movements, words or social skill actions to improve and to perfect his movement, language and social skills. The Absorbent Mind: Dr. Maria Montessori uses the term Absorbent Mind to describeRead MoreAbsorbent Mind - Essay698 Words  | 3 PagesA mind which is able to absorb knowledge quickly and effortlessly is called the absorbent mind. A child from birth till the age of six has an absorbent mind. The learning takes place in a very amazing and special way. The mind absorbs everything from the environment and the environment plays a very important and critical role in the early brain development. During this period the brain receives, processes and stores everything from the environment without any effort and discrimination and this formRead MoreSensitive Period and Absorbent Mind1093 Words  | 5 Pagesrequired for sensitive period At birth the child s physical development is more or less complete while psychologically it is still in the embryonic state. For this reason Dr. Maria Montessori called that the human being is still a spiritual embryo when it is born. Man seems to have two embryonic periods, one is prenatal like that of the animals; the other is postnatal and only man has this. -The Absorbent Mind, p55, Chapter 7. â€Å"A child possesses an active psychic life even when heRead MoreCognitive Theory Of Mind : Children With A Basic Fundamental Knowledge Of The Language999 Words  | 4 PagesDevelopmental psychologists research the developmental trajectory as this shows how the language, reasoning and social skill abilities develop. People develop mindreading abilities when they start to understand others by having a cognitive theory of mind. Research evidence, children from the age of four begin to develop mindreading skills, psychologist control this by performing tasks such as the ‘Sally-Anne’ task and the ‘smarties’ task. However, arguments by psychologists define some children can
Friday, December 20, 2019
Bros Before Hos The Guy Code, By Michael Kimmel
When someone is thinking of a man, what do they think? Strong? Brave? That’s what most people think; in reality that is a very false image. In â€Å"Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code,†Michael Kimmel, talks about what it means to be a man and what it takes to be a man in today’s world. Men are pressured into what they â€Å"should†be. If they don’t follow certain unwritten rules, which include: not asking for directions, not giving up, not showing fear, or any signs of emotional weakness, such as tears; they are considered less than a man, a wimp. A real man must be aggressive and brave, he must defend his territory: status, family, possessions. Men blindly follow the Guy Code, they must comply in order to be part of the pack, to fit in. From†¦show more content†¦Boys learn at an early age that involvement with their mothers will result in them emasculating them. They learn that compassion and dependency are signs of weakness. Kimmel states that â€Å"By the time, they are nine they are distant and sullen.†By the time adolescence hits then, they have to cope with their raging hormones by standing on their own two feet, make wise decisions, and not share any emotion. It doesn’t matter if young boys are around their mothers in fact they should be around them. It is great to be around their father as well but their mothers. Every man want to be superior to their counterpart, that’s why men lift weights and workout, resulting in them being more muscular, and more â€Å"manly†then other men. They further believe they need money, and drive a tripped-out car to attract a hot girlfriend. In addition, they want to be more athletic than other men. Kimmel states, â€Å"They do it bec ause they want to be positively evaluated by other men,†they want to be considered cool and athletic. â€Å"What men need is men’s approval.†In â€Å"How Is Men’s Conformity to Masculine Norms Related to Their Body Image? Masculinity and Muscularity Across Western Countries†, Calogero and Thompson state that, â€Å"Young men often view the attainment of a muscular body is indicative of having reached the status of being a man,†however after achieving this goal they are not satisfied and must set a new goal. Many body builders reachShow MoreRelatedKimmel s Bros Before Hos : Displaying The Male Social Facade1391 Words  | 6 PagesKimmel’s Guy Code: Exhibiting the Male Social Facade Kimmel’s Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code investigates the complicated social environment in which young males are anticipated to prepare for manhood based upon considerable sociological inquiries conducted from Kimmel himself. His main argument institutes what was formerly a comparatively definite and direct transition for males to experience boyhood to manhood has become much more perplexing and sophisticated. In his revealing chapter, Bros BeforeRead MoreMen Sometimes, From A Social Standpoint, Are Viewed As1197 Words  | 5 Pagesarrogant, aggressive and sometimes even as reckless. The stories â€Å"Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code†, â€Å"Fathers†, and â€Å"A Blessing from My Sixteen Years’ Son†all consider the same topic, men’s roles in society and why they act as they do. Each of these stories offer a different view but a similar idea as to how men in this society behave and how they should act. In â€Å"Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code†it discusses how men have created this unwritten code of values, attitudes, and traits to live their life’s by andRead MoreQueer Evolution : Word Goes Mainstream1087 Words  | 5 Pagesa word that is seen as more tolerated. Irvine’s ideas are echoed in Deborah Tannen’s You’re Wearing That, and Michael Kimmel’s Bros Before Hos in that words parents use with their children might be harmful without the children understanding the actions behind the words. Irvine explains in her essay that words and the ideas behind the words i s suspect to change over time. Tannen and Kimmel point out in their essay’s that this is the case when children interpret their parent’s comments as negative insteadRead MoreModern Day American Society By Aaron Devor s Bros Before Hos : The Guy Code ``1635 Words  | 7 PagesGender,†and Michael Kimmel’s â€Å"Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code,†both argue that the gender hierarchy America has been built upon is the product of socialization. Devor s essay, written more like a research paper, focuses on explaining the origins of the gender myth through well-researched scientific evidence and logos. To reflect his writing style, he mainly talks about the physical effects this has had on male and female characteristics. In his essay, Kimmel talks about The Bro Code, a guidebookRead MoreAnalysis Of Deborah Tannen s Queer 1204 Words  | 5 Pagesdaughter and how words have established expectations for women based on their appearance and behavior. Ano ther essay that well connects with Tannen and Irvine’s articles is a section from a book written by Michael Kimmel titled Bros Before Hos’’: The Guy Code. Kimmel talks about â€Å"The Guy Code†, rules that a man should always follow in order to be considered a real man. Words are the reason why these standards have been established for all genders and sexualities. The relationships between parentsRead MoreSummary : The Prairie Cowboys 1238 Words  | 5 Pagesin modern America, and Michael Kimmel’s essay â€Å"Bros Before Hos†: The Guy Code addresses the â€Å"straightjacket†of masculinity that is forced upon men at a young age. The persistence of the â€Å"macho†man mentality and the failure of men in post-industrial society is inextricably linked. Be a man. Young boys have been haunted by this moniker for generations. Often shouted by the paragon of masculinity, their fathers. What does being a man entail in modern society? Kimmel cites Robert Brannon’sRead MoreBros Before Hos : The Guy Code Essay1661 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å" ‘Bros Before Hos’: The Guy Code†In the article â€Å"Bros before Hos: The Guy Code†, by Michael Kimmel he writes about many different standards and ideals that young men must live up to, to be accepted in today’s society. The article talks about genders, at different ages sixteen to twenty six and how it is directed towards anyone that wants to know more about genders and how it can relate to masculinity and men. It was also based off of a book that he had written in the late two- thousands. AccordingRead MoreWomen s Social Construction Of Gender1524 Words  | 7 Pagesadopts the world’s social construction of gender in terms of behavior, personality and appearance. Michael Kimmel’s â€Å"â€Å"Bros Before Hos†: The Guy Code†(2008) explains how a man is to behave and appear in terms of competing with other men and asserting dominance as a sex. Kincaid’s â€Å"Girl,†Devor’s â€Å"Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Genderâ € and Kimmel’s â€Å"†Bros Before Hos†: The Guy Code†persuade the audience to believe the social constructs that define men and women into completelyRead MoreEffect Of Society Over Gender And Sexual Identity Essay1256 Words  | 6 Pagessubordinate like the feminine role. Toys display greater gender stereotyping through function. In the selection of reading â€Å"Bros before Hos: The Guy Code,†Michael Kimmel writes about the standards young men must meet to be accepted in today’s society. Young men must live and follow a set of rules called the guy code, which has been instilled into them by their peers and family. Kimmel asked a young man, a twenty-year old sophomore at Wake Forest, where he got the idea of masculinity. The young man respondedRead MoreBecoming Members Of Society : Learning The Social Meanings Of Gender Essay1063 Words  | 5 Pagesas kindness and cooperation. Complimentary to Devor’s essay is the writing of Michael Kimmel, specifically â€Å"‘Bros Before Hos’: The Guy Code.†The essay includes a â€Å"guy code†on how to be a â€Å"proper†male, instructing men to show off material possessions, be reliable during a crisis, take risks, and not be effeminate. Kimmel talks about a gender police, where men harshly judge other men when they do not follow the guy code. Essentially speaking, men must avoid showing traits of femininity at all costs
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Business Management and Employability skills
Questions: Describe about the following points: 1. Be able to determine own responsibilities and performance2. Be able to develop interpersonal and transferable skills3. Understand the dynamics of working with others4. Be able to develop strategies for problem solving Answers: 1. Be able to determine own responsibilities and performance It is very important to strongly recognize an effective performance management process that can assist in supporting development and success of the employees as well as that to the organization. It is very much important to clearly communicate the employees regarding the performance level of employees as well as help in shaping the processes of management. Executive and senior level responsibilities: The main role of such a leader is to play a senior role in the management process and be supportive to the entire process of management as well. He must communicate the value and motivate all other employees to participate and coordinate together in work. It is also necessary to help them in building organizational support and commitment to the process. It is also necessary to share and support all the communications being made by the employees. This can help in strategic decision making of the organization. Managers responsibilities in performance: Being a manager it is the responsibility to strongly identify the level of performances of all the employees and encourage them for improvement if needed. It is necessary to notice their performances and guide them effectively in handling their work. They should be always addressed with feedbacks and ratings given from their mentors related to the performance reviews. It is expected out of a manager that he/she uses performance management process as a valuable tool to support the employee development and its improvement also. It is necessary to generate the sense of lack of interest at work for the employees so that work is easily manageable. Employees need to take ownership for their work by themselves. They need to work as a team and in a coordinated way (Choudhury and Gouldsborough, 2012). Employees responsibilities: As an employee it is mandatory to first achieve ones individual goals and then move towards achieving organizational goals. This can act as a part of the performance management objectives. It is the responsibility of the employee as well as of the managers to set the goals collectively so that the progress of the employees can be effectively traced out and the further challenges can be prevented. The employees should be responsible in their own career and professional development as well. They must be open to accept new challenges and take initiatives to improve them. they must compete with the development plans of the organization and learn and develop their performances also. HR responsibilities: As an HR it is very much important to know about roles of a HR business partner. As an HR it is important to know and study the organizational structure very effectively so that the hierarchy of the system can be known. He is responsible to provide training to all the employees and executive managers of the organization. He is also responsible to set deadlines of the targets that are to be achieved by the managers as well as the employees in the organization. As an HR he acts as a coach or mentor to the employees. The strategic results of the organization must be communicated as a part of the performance management process and initiate all the actions that are related to the benefits of the entire organization as a whole (Identify Top Job Performance Expectations, 2015). 2. Be able to develop interpersonal and transferable skills Transferable skills are those abilities or skills that are related to an individuals social, professional and school life. They are referred to as the portable skills. Transferable skills are those skills that are necessary for a change in the career or when applying for a job. The employers who seek for candidates always look for persons who possess a good set of transferable skills. If such skills are already inhibited within an employee then there is a long way to go ahead with the prospective employers for the right kind of job profile that they are working. There are various interpersonal skills also that are required such as effective communication skills, supervising and leadership along with effective teamwork towards their work. There must be proper implementation and exploration skills also such as analyzing and researching, organizing and planning and problem solving and decision making as well. Employees must also be able to identify self management skills such as digital skills, learning, improvement and achieving adaptability to the organization success and growth (Adding value with learning agility: How to identify and develop high-potential employees, 2013). Having a degree is not enough that can assure an employee to guarantee a job in todays market. All the necessary qualifications need to be presented in a multidimensional way. Employees must also have the ability of critical thinking skill that will help in making strategic decisions of the business and help in problem solving business of the organization. There can be a variety of solutions available but it is the responsibility to select the most appropriate option out of the lot and also help in customer service positions to the organization (Researchers develop biometric technology to identify touchscreen users, 2012). The creative thinkers must be innovative in thinking so that the decision taken by them must add value to the work environment. The skills must be beneficial in such a way so that it helps in solving all critical problems and also help in the strategic decision making ability of the organization. Effective planning and organizing is also very necessary when plannin g for future. Critical thinking is one of the fundamental 21st century expertises each understudy ought to have the capacity to create. It has been plainly illustrated in the Common Core benchmarks and is an important part of any educational program targets pack. By suggestion, critical thinking naturally includes choice making which is another essential ability for scholarly accomplishment as well as for achievement in life by and large (Sarkar, 2010). There must be proper analysis of Planning and Research Skills that can articulate desire to generate a strategy so that the objectives or goals can be achieved effectively. Transferable skills include the following tasks as follows: To analyse and interpret the data To gather all the relevant information related to the courses of action. To help in setting and formulation of goals. To predict, forecast and monitor all necessary situations. To identify all the needs of the organization and plan for an action plan against it. Also includes negotiation and influencing others to work in a team. To encourage and contribute the ideas of others and work efficiently. 3. Understand the dynamics of working with others Gathering work can be fun, animate innovativeness, help individuals unwind, enhance moral, and make connections and bonds that would somehow or another not create. Some individuals are agreeable and appreciate listening and imparting in the little gathering settings. The inclination of being a piece of a gathering can be a wonderful experience if the gathering is compelling; notwithstanding, gathering work can conjure apprehension, create weariness and make individuals disappointed also, irritated. For sure, some individuals are hesitant to tune in or participate in gathering communication Working in gatherings is synonymous with development also, there is a need to create understudies so they can work viably in gathering connections. Understudies and specialists with great social aptitudes who appreciate being a piece of a gathering can sharpen their abilities while others with applicable development learning that apprehension the gathering setting need to build up their abilities. There are advantages and boundaries connected with gathering work, which ought to be uncovered and worked with so that understudies have a more prominent comprehension of gatherings, how they work and can participate in what's more, deal with the gathering environment. (Bereiter, 2006) Motivation helps in improving quality of performance: Motivation is the key to improve job performance. Often we see that there is a gap between an individuals actual state and desired state. It is the main task of motivation that helps to minimize this gap. Intrinsic motivation comes from rewards and the inherent activity related to a task. At has some specifying goals to achieve it also. The various theories include: incentive theory of motivation, drive reduction theories etc. The motivation can be financially induced and non-financial induced. Financial motivators include wages, salaries, bonuses, profit sharing, medical reimbursement, company paid insurance and financial incentive based on the performance of the employees. the non-financial motivators on the other hand include rewards and recognition, participation, Social status of the employees and motivation through job enrichment. Effective Time Management Strategies: Building Time management strategies is an important aspect of planning ones work efficiently. Generally time management is based on four principles like Prioritize, be flexible, eliminate procrastinate and working efficiently. For the efficient time management, the individual must maintain a worksheet where the tasks must be prioritized including the target date or the deadline of the task. Second is the capability to remain flexible with the time management schedule and with this the most important aspect is the elimination of the procrastination so that the scheduled work is commenced within the deadline. In this way through the effective time management the performance of the employees will improve. Work as a Learning Tool Working in groups obliges an entire distinctive arrangement ofperceptual channels by which to understand what is going on. As opposed to centering on one individual, one must be mindful of numerous individuals, different connections, what's more, all the procedure occasions happening in the middle of, generally as outlined in the reflections of the gathering pioneer above. It is sufficient to make your head turn. (Norman, 2008) On the off chance that everything one did as a group pioneer was continually takes after the primary speaker or cooperation, bunch sessions would be somewhat tiring, and possibly exhausting. More regrettable yet is that one would likewise be passing up a great opportunity for all the potential aggregate vitality furthermore, collaborations that gathering work can offer. Despite the fact that oneutilizes a large number of your singular helpful abilities, they are connected in an unexpected way. It is thus that accomplished gathering pioneers desert straight thinking and figure out how to think recursively (round) and systemically. This implies figuring out how to take a gander at the greater picture of how each individual's activities fit inside a bigger setting of his or her reality, and also that of the gathering. (Salomon, 2012)One won't just diagnose singular troubles in any case likewise evaluate interpersonal examples, gathering stages, systemic working, coalitional unions, and different flow that are vital to get it. It could be said, compelling group pioneers figure out how to see the backwoods and the trees. When we are a piece of a group that is conveying results we feel colossally inspired and when we are enormously roused we have a tendency to continue taking execution to a larger amount. Frequently little groups whose individuals are drawn from a gathering of individuals who have a tendency to impart normal qualities and methods for speculation attain to a considerable measure. The battle some of the time emerges when individuals are asked to work in a cross practical or cross control group. (Belbin, 2007) In these circumstances, it is not remarkable for there to be: Force battles where distinctive gatherings are attempting to lead the pack and be in control Storehouse thinking where individuals are just contemplating the effect on their little piece of the pie Clash and contention without there being any beneficial results orientated practices At the point when working in the group, particularly one that is cross practical: Perceive that distinctive individuals see the same issue in an unexpected way the way that we take a gander at and react to a specific test will be affected by elements, for example, our experience, preparing, expertise set, information and our own stake to give some examples. As opposed to attempting to constrain through your path, attempt to concentrate on making another method for doing things that grasps the lavishness of the aggregate experience and ability of the entire group.(Belbin, 2009) Recall that it all parities out over the long haul At times you will be the individual who gives the sparkle of motivation or expands on the thoughts of others. At different times you will need to take to a greater extent a rearward sitting arrangement. Over the long haul anyway you will get a lot of chance to be the impetus for the group. (Belbin, 2000) Get all perspectives listened. A few of us are additionally cordial outgoing individual sorts while others are more thoughtful and calm. In the event that you are in the part of driving a group, it is basic that you make the open door for all perspectives to be listened. Neglecting to do as such could bring about key opportunities being lost. (Brown, 2000) Keep the attention on the end amusement Eventually the group is tasked with conveying an outcome. It is very simple to get dragged into individual motivation and pet themes. When you perceive this occurrence, get groups re-joined with the general reason, objective or end diversion. (Dainty, 2006) Primary concern Teams display their own particular difficulties. The key is to comprehend an utilization these progress to make achievement. Gathering work and individual work are on a very basic level diverse. Individuals act contrastingly in gatherings and their musings, disposition, convictions are influenced. Bunch communication, can rouse, include imagination, incite thought and show sentiments that would not happen when working alone. Just as individuals can smother, square and disregard individuals, again making contemplations and emotions that would not happen when working alone. (Emmitt, 2011)Gathering work can be terrifying, people may fear the considered working with others, particularly when the possibly negative elements of the gathering activity are disregarded by those encouraging the session. (Gardner, 2010)To help understudies perceive and work with interpersonal abilities, circumstances can be made to permit individuals to experience the profits and impediments of individual and gathering work. Conditions can be controlled, recorded and thought about. Utilization of electronic media, turn-taking cards, b reak even with support controls, constraining individual commitment, checking and recording potential clash and strong conduct can help create interpersonal aptitudes that would somehow be missed in the gathering knowledge. Before utilizing the gathering work thought ought to be given to the part of gathering conduct or the gathering process that is being utilized or created. (Emmitt, 2006) Understudies ought to be urged to switch between singular, individual and gathering work to create imaginative and inventive points of view. There are advantages to be picked up from working exclusively and as a feature of gathering; be that as it may, it is import that understudies perceive the aptitudes connected with gatherings and have apparatuses and systems at their transfer to help them pick up point of interest from the circumstance.(Sutton, 2006) 4. Be able to develop strategies for problem solving Before we can examine what critical thinking is, we should first come to holds with what is implied by an issue. Basically, an issue is a circumstance that goes up against an individual, that obliges determination, and for which the way to the arrangement is not quickly known. In ordinary life, an issue can show itself as anything from a basic individual issue, for example, the best methodology for intersection the road (normally managed without much ''thinking''), to a more perplexing issue, for example, how to collect another bike. Obviously, crossing the road may not be a straightforward issue in a few circumstances. For instance, Americans get to be profoundly mindful of what is generally an intuitive conduct example while going to a nation, for example, England, where their regular system for securely crossing the road simply won't work. (Brodie, 2010)The converse is likewise genuine; the British experience comparable emotions when going by the European landmass, where movement is arranged uniquely in contrast to that in Britain. These regular circumstances are typically determined "intuitively," without our taking formal note of the strategies by which we discovered the arrangement. A cognizance of everyday critical thinking techniques and methods generally gets to be more apparent when we go outside of our regular social surroundings. There the regular lifestyle and frequent practices may not fit or may not work. We may need to deliberately adjust different techniques to attain to our objectives.(Anon., n.d.) Quite a bit of what we do is in view of our related involvements. Accordingly, the level of refinement with which we assault these issues will fluctuate with the single person. Whether the issues we confront in ordinary life include selecting a day by day closet, identifying with companions or acquaintances, or managing expert issues or individual funds, we essentially work naturally, without considering the technique or procedure that best suits the circumstance. We go about tending to life's difficulties with an algorithmic-like approach and can undoubtedly turn into somewhat disappointed if that approach abruptly doesn't fit. In these circumstances, we are obliged to discover an answer for the issue. That is, we must inquiry our past encounters to discover a way we tackled a similar to issue previously. We could likewise venture into our pack of critical thinking apparatuses and see what meets expectations.(Bales, 2006)At the point when understudies experience issues in their regu lar school lives, their methodology is very little diverse. They have a tendency to handle issues in light of their past encounters. These encounters can run from perceiving an ""issue"" as fundamentally the same to one beforehand illuminated to tackling a homework exercise like activities displayed in class that day. The understudy is not doing any critical thinking rather, he or she is only copying (on the other hand honing) the prior experienced circumstances. This is the conduct seen in a greater part of classrooms. In a certain sense, reiteration of an ""aptitude"" is helpful in achieving the ability. This can likewise hold valid for achieving problem-solving abilities. Consequently, we give sufficient illustrations to practice the system applications in a mixture of connections. (Frensch, 2007) This kind of way to deal with managing what are frequently seen as fake circumstances, made particularly for the arithmetic class, does not specifically address the thought of critical thinking as a methodology to be concentrated on for its own purpose, and not just as a facilitator. Individuals don't fathom ''age issues,'' ''movement issues,'' ''mixture issues,'' thus on in their genuine lives. (J., 2008)Truly, we generally have considered the investigation of arithmetic topically. Without a cognizant exertion by instructors, this will obviously proceed to be the situation. We may modify the points in the syllabus in different requests; however it will in any case be the themes themselves that connection the courses together as opposed to the numerical methodology included and this is definitely not the way that a great many people think! Thinking includes a wide range of considering. (Moursund, 2006) Appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem: Problem solving strategies are very much necessary to build up in an organization it gives an instant support to the company structure as well. It is essential to develop process improvement techniques so that the list of problems could be reduced. Commencement of business involves solving any problem that arises within the workplace. There are five steps that are identified in this regard so that the problem is solved. The first step is the identification of the problem. In this identification those problems must be analyzed and recognized that are disrupting the profitable flow of the business. The next step is analyzing the cause of the disruption that pose as an obstacle in the profit of the business. The identification of the problem means that the causes of the problems are not explored. The next step is the brainstorm solutions which consider all the possibilities for solving the problem. Implementation of the solution is the next step in order resolve the problem. And last st ep is monitoring of the solution so that the desired outcome is effective. Issues and Obstacles in Problem-Solving Clearly, basic intuition is not an impeccable technique. There are different differing obstacles that can interfere with our ability to deal with an issue quickly and capably. Researchers have depicted different these mental obstructions, which consolidate helpful fixedness, pointless information and assumptions. Handy Fixedness: This term suggests the affinity to view issues just in their standard way. Down to earth fixedness keeps people from totally seeing most of the particular decisions that may be open to find an answer.Insignificant or Misleading Information: When you are attempting to take care of an issue, it is essential to recognize data that is applicable to the issue and unessential information that can prompt defective arrangements. At the point when an issue is exceptionally unpredictable, the simpler it gets to be to concentrate on deceptive or unessential data. (Gorse, 2006) Suppositions: When dealing with an issue, people routinely make suspicions about the necessities and impediments that keep certain plans. Mental Set: Another typical discriminating speculation check is known as a mental set, which is the penchant people need to simply use game plans that have filled in as a piece of the past rather than hunting down alternative considerations. A mental set can as often as possible go about as a heuristic, making it an important discriminating speculation mechanical assembly. Regardless, mental sets can in like manner brief determination, making it harder to find suitable game plans.(Joseph E. McGrath, 2008) Basic intuition strategies are the steps that one would use to find the issue that are emerging to getting to be familiar with own goal. Some would imply this as the 'basic intuition cycle. In this cycle one will see the issue, portray the issue, add to a procedure to change the issue, make the data out of the issue cycle, figure-out the benefits at the customer's exchange, screen one's progression, and evaluate the response for accuracy. Yet called a cycle, one does not have to do each endeavor with a particular final objective to adjust the issue, really the people who don't are regularly better at issue solving.[citation needed] The reason it is known as a cycle is that once one is done with an issue another typically will pop up.(Perkins, 2009) Blanchard-Fields looks at basic speculation from one of two angles. The vital looking at those issues that simply have one plan which are grounded in psychometric knowledge. The other, that is socioemotional in nature and are unpredictable with answers that are continually hinting at change.(Michael A. Hogg and, 2007) Benefits of basic considering (Yarlus, 2000) Here is a bit of the favorable circumstances of demonstrating to issue tackle Using effective discriminating intuition methods will help evading conflicts in a school setting and in their typical lives It can similarly fortify ones beginning sensitivity capacities It can help one take in more helpful attributions about other persons' recommendations Critical deduction is key for school accessibility and academic accomplishment. There are a couple of stages to dealing with an issue: 1) Evaluating the issue Clarifying the method for an issue Formulating request Gathering information deliberately Collating and dealing with data Condensing and laying out information Defining 2) Managing the issue Using the data assembled adequately Breaking down an issue into littler, more sensible, parts Using procedures, for example, conceptualizing and sidelong thinking to consider choices Analyzing these choices in more prominent profundity Identifying steps that can be taken to accomplish the goal 3) Decision-production Deciding between the conceivable choices for what move to make Deciding on additional data to be assembled before making a move Deciding on assets (time, financing, staff and so on) to be allotted to this issue 4) Resolving the issue Implementing activity Providing data to different partners; designating undertakings Reviewing advancement 5) Examining the outcomes Monitoring the result of the move made Reviewing the issue and critical thinking procedure to keep away from comparable circumstances in future At any phase of this procedure, it might be important to come back to a prior stage for instance, if further issues emerge or if an answer does not give off In general, there is a need to create and utilize a critical thinking/choice making process that is both investigative and thoughtful of individual contrasts and perspectives. While the logical procedure has given a strategy utilized effectively as a part of a wide assortment of circumstances, specialists have depicted individual contrasts that can impact viewpoints and objectives identified with critical thinking. These distinctions can be utilized to recognize fitting critical thinking systems utilized as a part of every venture of the critical thinking methodology. (Paulus, 2006) The procedure portrayed in this paper permits people to utilize a standard strategy as a part of a mixture of circumstances and to adjust it to meet individual inclination. The same procedure can be utilized as a part of gathering circumstances to fulfill the special points of view of individual individuals. Choices made in this way are more prone to be powerful since people can intentionally go to both individual qualities and shortcomings, while gatherings are more prone to choose arrangements that will both tackle the issue and be satisfactory to individual gathering individuals. This is all about critical thinking and developing strategies for problem solving. Impact of Strategy implementation: The accomplishments of the strategic objectives of the company, the implementation of the strategies that are converted into actions are the most important. The implementation process of the strategy is more important than the strategy itself. Thus, the strategy implementation has substantial impact on the business. The strategy implementation helps to analyze the budgeting techniques and improvement in the budgeting process. The strategy implementation also formulates to provide with incentives to the employees so that they are encouraged to work and that their productivity increases benefitting the organization. The strategy implementation includes that the business can resolve issues that had created problems for the organization. In this regard there are certain pitfalls of strategy implementation that need to be avoided. Bibliography Adding value with learning agility: How to identify and develop high-potential employees. (2013).Development and Learning in Organizations, 27(5), pp.24-26. Casson, M. and Pavelin, S. (2015). The Social Performance and Responsibilities of Entrepreneurship.Business Society. Choudhury, B. and Gouldsborough, I. (2012). The use of electronic media to develop transferable skills in science students studying anatomy.Anat Sci Ed, 5(3), pp.125-131. Identify Top Job Performance Expectations. (2015).Nonprofit Communications Report, 13(4), pp.8-8. Lim, S., Rodger, S. and Brown, T. (2010). Assessments of learning-related skills and interpersonal skills constructs within early childhood environments in Singapore.Inf. Child Develop., p.n/a-n/a. Researchers develop biometric technology to identify touchscreen users. (2012).Biometric Technology Today, 2012(10), p.1. Sarkar, D. (2010). Learning to identify problems: A performance improvement imperative.Perf. Improv., 49(10), pp.5-7. Anon., n.d. Problem Posing and Problem Solving: The BioQUEST Library. [Online] Available at: Bales, R. F., 2006. Task roles and social roles in problem-solving groups., New York: 3rd Ed. Holt. Belbin, R. M., 2000. Beyond the Team,, London, : Butterworth-Heineman.. Belbin, R. M., 2007. Management Teams, Why They Succeed of Fail, NY: London, Heinemann.. Belbin, R. M., 2009. Team Roles at Work, oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.. Bereiter, C. . S. M., 2006. Surpassing ourselves: An inquiry into the nature and implications of expertise., Chicago and La Salle: Open Court. Brodie, D., 2010. Effective Team Working: Understanding and Working With Team Dynamics. [Online] Available at: Brown, R., 2000. Group Process: Dynamics within and between groups, Oxford: Blackwell.. Dainty, A. M. D. a. M. M., 2006. Communication in Construction: Theory and, London: Taylor and Francis. . Emmitt, S. a. G. C. A., 2006. Communication in Construction Teams, London: Spons. . Emmitt, S. a. G. C. A., 2011. Construction Communication, Oxford.: Blackwell Publishing. Frensch, P. . F. J., 2007. Complex problem solving, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.. Gardner, J. W., 2010. Study Guides and Strategies Website!. [Online] Available at: Gorse, C. M. I. S. A. a. W. P., 2006. Meetings: Factors that affect group interaction and performance. LONDON, Proceedings of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management. Gorse, C. M. I. S. A. M. D. a. D. E. R., 2006. Internal support mechanisms in groups and teams. London, Proceedings of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management. J., M., 2008. FOUNDATIONS OF GROUP WORK. 1st ed. s.l.:Johnson Johnson,. Joseph E. McGrath, H. A. J. L. B., 2008. The Study of Groups: Past, Present, and Future,, s.l.: s.n. Michael A. Hogg and, M. A. H., 2007. Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology, s.l.: Group process. Moursund, D., 2006. Increasing your expertise as a problem solver, Eugene: ISTE. Norman, D., 2008. Things that make us smart: Defending human attributes in the age of machines, s.l.: Addison-Wesley.. Paulus, P. B., 2006. Putting the brain back into brainstorming. Associations Now, 2(12), pp. 24-28. Perkins, D., 2009. Smart schools: Better thinking and learning for every child, NY: Free Press.. Polya, G., 2010. How to solve it: A new aspect of mathematical method (2nd ed.), Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.. Salomon, G. . P. D., 2012. Teaching for transfer. Educational Leadership, s.l.: s.n. Sutton, R. I., 2006. The truth about Brainstorming. Business Week No. 4002, Volume No. 4002, pp. 17-23. Yarlus, A. a. S. V., 2000. Problem Representation in Experts and Novices: Part 1. Differences in the Content of Representation; Part 2. Underlying Processing Mechanisms.. [Online] Available at:
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Live like youre dying free essay sample
What if you are going to die in a matter of minutes wouldn’t you value life more than you ever had? 2 ? years ago I was somewhere with my mom and I started to complain about everything in life, and then I said I wanted this and that. I kept going on and on until my mom stopped me she said â€Å"I should give thanks for everything I have in life and live like you were dying. Those words stuck with me ever since. What my mom said to me taught me how to live a better life then what I had before. A couple years back, my mom hadn’t just been my mom but she had become my best friend and I knew I could trust her. That’s just one of the things, and phrases my mom has given me. Ever since then I’ve been getting mad less, complaining less, less grumpy, and I think I calmed down a bit and by â€Å"bit†I mean a whole lot. We will write a custom essay sample on Live like youre dying or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I also found joy in many things that most people wouldn’t think of doing. It also taught me not to waste time on things that don’t matter. Life is too short to keep getting mad, worrying to much, complaining for everything, and fighting for the littlest things. I used to be a little trouble maker back in the day and I really didn’t care I always had to talk to the principal. Most people think that’s a waste of time I sure did, but I figured out you wouldn’t have to waste time if you don’t put yourself in that situation. Before I believed this I didn’t care much about a lot, yeah I cared about basic stuff but not other things that I didn’t seem to care about much till now. Now I care for things. I value life more for example I hurt a fruit fly and almost cried the interesting thing is that that was just a few months ago. I’m happier then before and I value things more. I changed and I started to believe in this because I wanted a better life. All my life I’ve ha many phrase said to me by my mother and my mom might already know this but she’s my hero and I love her. I know this will impact me in the future because I’ll be even better the more wisdom I acquire every day I’m alive. This I believe.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Speed Of Time Essay Research Paper Virilio free essay sample
Speed Of Time Essay, Research Paper Virilio and Gleick use velocity as an analytic tool/concept to understand post-contemporary society. Both writers trace the development of velocity through engineering. However, Virilio sees the development of velocity through war and Gleick analyses velocity through the development of # 8220 ; clip # 8221 ; . Virilio? s technological military determinism in? Speed and Politicss? illustrates how we lost awkwardness through engineering and farther more how it was developed for the intents, and from the logic, of war. In? Faster? , James Gleick provides context for the complexness of post-industrial life and its transmutation by engineering. He tries to specify our relationship with? clip? to understand post-contemporary society. He places our civilization # 8217 ; s infatuation with velocity into a context ; historically, technically, and psychologically. Gleick dissects clip, demoing us how the ability to mensurate clip in of all time more exact ways has affected us and the universe in which we live in. We will write a custom essay sample on Speed Of Time Essay Research Paper Virilio or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He claims: ? if we don? t understand clip, we become its victims? . Gleick and Virilio? s technological determinism illustrates that engineering, non humanity, is responsible for finding the way and development of human life. Virilio argues that the metropolis, political relations, civilization, human presence and values are disintegrating due to the speed/acceleration of life. ? We are riders of the empty circle who merely wish to get before they leave. Speed is a perfect will to impotence? . Virilio utilizations velocity as an analytic tool to speculate a post-contemporary society. He develops his post-structuralist review through the lens of his new methodological analysis, ? dromology? ; the scientific discipline, and survey of velocity. # 8220 ; Dromomatics # 8221 ; alters our perceptual experiences of velocity, examines the function of velocity in history and its of import maps in urban and societal life, warfare, the economic system, transit and communicating. ? In this unstable fiction velocity would all of a sudden go a fate, a force of advancement, in other words a # 8220 ; civilisation # 8221 ; in which each velocity would be something of a # 8220 ; faith # 8221 ; in clip? [ 141 ] . This # 8220 ; dromocratic revolution # 8221 ; involves agencies of manufacturing velocity with the steam engine, so the burning engine, and in our twenty-four hours atomic energy and instantaneous signifiers of warfare and communicating. Technology is used to construct the planetary war machine, ? the more velocity additions, the faster freedom lessenings? [ 142 ] . Harmonizing to Virilio the phenomenon of engineering came in big portion from the arsenal and war economic system. The writer? s construct of post-contemporary world is founded on the sociology of military engineering, which changes the modern-day perceptual experiences of infinite and clip. ? the transit capacity created by the mass production of automobilies [ ? ] can go a societal assault, a revolution sufficient and able to modify the citizen? s manner of life by transforming all the consumer? s demands, by wholly reconstructing a district? ? [ 26 ] . It is the disintegration of the societal. The conquering of the postmodern engineering of pure velocity as a war machine, one in which we are all processed: ? the mobilization of societies [ ? ] makes every citizen a war machine? [ 90 ] . Weapons of war are based on developing the velocity of onslaught. # 8220 ; Speed is the kernel of war # 8221 ; [ Sun Tzu ] . Military engineering, engineerings of representation, and new computing machine and information engineerings have constituted the post-contemporary. War intensified through engineering, which is accelerated by velocity. War is the centre of civilisation. ? The category battle is replaced by the battle of the technological organic structures of the ground forcess harmonizing to their dynamic efficiency? [ 48 ] . We are a civilization inclined towards extremism at a point where engineering appears to rush up as it approaches inactiveness. ? The treshold of velocity is continously shrinking, and the faster engine is beconig more and more hard to gestate of? [ 46 ] . Technologies of simultaneousness and coherency, maintain civilian society in a province of lasting mobilisation, driven by the competition for markets, resources and domains of influence. ? Revolution is motion, but motion is non revolution? [ 18 ] . Angstrom conflict for domination in the procedures of economic concentration, in which the foreparts, no longer pull up along national boundaries and between political systems, are defined by proficient criterions. A conflict in which the power of cognition is managed as a profitable monopoly of its distribution and airing. Bourgeois power is military even more than economic, but it relates most straight to the supernatural permanency of the province of besieging, to the visual aspect of bastioned towns. [ 11 ] Gleick traces the development of clip through engineering, ? merely in an age of velocity, can we halt clip? . He reveals how through technlogy clip has changed from the 2nd to the msec and eventually to nanosecond. ? During a nanosecond balls, chiropterans, slugs and droplets are motionless? [ 6 ] . The Directorate of Time, devised by the Defense Department, maintain s a Maestro Clock that sends its timely informations on the steady motions of # 8220 ; atomic beams in their vaults # 8221 ; to the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris. # 8220 ; The consequence is. . . the exact clip # 8212 ; by definition, by world-wide consensus and decree. # 8221 ; All of modern life ticks to that metronome. ? Humanity is now a species with one ticker, and this is it? . Gleick argues that before atomic redstem storksbills, cell phones, nanosecond computing machine velocities and telephone redial buttons, our seasonableness ware less compulsiv, . We could # 8220 ; pass # 8221 ; clip productively or non. Time passed while we were occupied or idle. # 8220 ; In clip, # 8221 ; things came to go through and passed off. In # 8220 ; era of the nanosecond? we waste clip, we gain it and lose it, we kill it, we budget and form it, we move from # 8220 ; existent clip # 8221 ; to # 8220 ; practical # 8221 ; clip. And every 2nd, disconnected second, microsecond, we are obsessed with # 8220 ; salvaging # 8221 ; clip. Once we learned what clip it was, mensurable to the millionth of a nanosecond, we could handle clip as a measure, a trade good to be bought, sold and invested. Societies running at different velocities produce different civilizations. . As the velocity of devices accelerates, we are retrained to faster beat. Waiting 10 seconds for an lift feels unacceptably long. We take our intelligence in fast-food bites, and even music, the art made of clip, is acquiring shorter. Classical Stationss seldom play an full symphonic music any more. The 1,440-minute twenty-four hours is non expandible, the mean American spends about as much clip per twenty-four hours make fulling out paperwork for the federal authorities ( 4 proceedingss ) as holding sex ( 4.5 proceedingss ) . Gleick inquiries what is # 8220 ; more # 8221 ; clip ; is it fuller or freer? Is clip saved when we manage to go forth it empty, or when we stuff it with multiple activities, utile or pleasant? The deductions of time-saving is that we # 8217 ; re in a haste ; we # 8217 ; ve got short attending spans ; everything # 8217 ; s traveling faster. Telecommunication has made the transportation of information easy and quick. Therefore, the outlook for the sum of work to be completed is higher. This development of clip has changed our perceptual experience and experience of the universe. Through fragmenting clip we have become more fragmented ourselves. We have all become adept at treating 1000000s of spots of information at the same time, multitasking. We extinguish all intermissions and seek to compact everything into a individual minute ; telecasting and wireless interviews are routinely compressed somewhat, to take the annoyance intermissions and holds of human address. We have become speed loanblends, guzzling espresso and working 18 hr yearss, invariably plugged into the Net and nomadic phone. Our eyes have adapted to more cuts per second, and our multitasking accomplishments have neer been sharper. Rushing and multitasking is a cultural upset. New engineerings, like caffeine or pep pills, are # 8220 ; additives for our engines. # 8221 ; We want to travel faster, think faster, and make several things at one time. Laborsaving and convenience-oriented technological inventions created in the involvement of spread outing free clip have done the face-to-face. We are now # 8220 ; accessible # 8221 ; both in and outside the workplace, reacting to the demands of machines. However, if we pause we become impatient, we are bored. We are intoxicated by velocity. Gleick places passion as the antonym of ennui and so topographic points it into a historical context. Boredom is a comparatively modern phenomenon: # 8220 ; The word ennui hardly existed even a century ago # 8221 ; [ 270 ] . The writer relates the construct of ennui to our cultural attack to clip. We relax at velocity, everlastingly seeking to grate off a few seconds here and at that place so we can acquire something else done because there? s neer adequate clip. This cultural acceleration is bring forthing a coevals of attention-deficit-speed monsters, a new race of multitasking superhumans, capable of at the same time downloading files, channel surfboarding, and composing electronic mail. Virilio? s Speed and Politicss and Gleick? s Faster are essay on our civilization # 8217 ; s experience of clip and velocity. Both books imply that we are populating in an information-culture and engineering is our faith. Virilio analyses how engineerings have been developed for the war economic system and gives an history how those engineerings have crept into and militarised civilian lives. He illustrates the mutuality between velocity, engineering, and war. Gleick? s speculation on haste illustrates how those engineerings hold altered our perceptual experience of clip, which in bend has altered the person? s construct of ego. We are in a haste. We are doing hastiness. A compaction of clip characterizes the post-contemporary society. Stress, an epinephrine roseola, and passion, are symptom of the velocity illness, a consequence of the rapid March of technological advancement. We hurry up and delay, in physicians # 8217 ; offices, traffic jams, airdrome Gatess, on clasp with the tech line. An inflexible networked system needs merely one bug, a delayed flight, to starts an grim rippling consequence that can turn into a ruinous tidal moving ridge. Bibliography virilio, velocity nad political relations and gleicks faster
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Worn Path by Eudora Wetly
Worn Path by Eudora Wetly Free Online Research Papers There is a short story called â€Å"A Worn Path†written by Eudora Welty that shows how far the body can be pushed, what the spirit must endure and the limits of our minds. It gives a very descriptive opening that helps paint a detailed mental image of the main character Phoenix Jackson. We find that given situations no matter how impossible they seem people can overcome great odds for people they care about. There are many conflicts in this story for Phoenix from internal to external that she must face. In the second paragraph we are given a very good description so we understand what she is like physically. â€Å" Her eyes were blue with age. Her skin had a pattern all its own numberless branching wrinkles and as though a little tree stood in the middle of her forehead, but a golden color ran underneath,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg 259 para2) You then find out a little about her mental state. She would say â€Å" Out of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals!†¦Keep out from under these feet, little bob-whites†¦ Keep the big wild hogs out of my path†(pg 259 para4). From these first few paragraphs you get the basic information that Phoenix Jackson is an older woman who likes to talk to nature or that there might be something different about her. Here we see how she has a conflict with nature. You can’t help but feel sorry for Phoenix knowing that she is older and probably is in more danger being out in nature. The things that you might laugh at if it were somebody else, but with her you almost want to help her. For instance when she gets caught up in the bush she starts talking to the bush and then the thorns themselves. Yet again we are shown how she has troubles with reality. After she had crossed the log she had stopped for a rest. â€Å" she did not dare to close her eyes, and when a little boy brought her a little plate with a slice of marble-cake on it she spoke to him.†Pg 260 Para 15. Only to find there was no boy there with cake. This is an internal conflict with her mind. We next see how her age effects her journey when she’s comes upon the ghost. Which turns out to be just a scarecrow, yet another trick her old eyes play on her. Through this all we are able to experience another minor internal conflict. When she comes across the dog that ends up knocking her over and meets the man we find her first human external conflict. The man acts in a very rough manner towards Phoenix even pointing his gun at her. I thought that he might try to help her, but given the times maybe the fact he left her alone to go one her way was good enough. We come to a point where the first part of her journey is almost over once she arrives at the clinic. She faces another internal conflict this time with her memory when she can’t recall why she came to the clinic. Once she regains her composure she is able to complete her mission of getting the medicine for her grandson. To go get a windmill and then begin her long trek back home. Phoenix had the determination to keep going even though she forgot why she was making such a long journey. She knew she had an end goal in mind and held on to the fact that she needed to make it to town. †Madden Frank â€Å"Exploring Literature†pg259 Research Papers on Worn Path by Eudora WetlyWhere Wild and West MeetResearch Process Part OneThe Spring and AutumnGenetic EngineeringRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionQuebec and CanadaStandardized Testing19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Colonialism & Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Colonialism & Empire - Essay Example As the study declares to begin the debate, one first needs to examine what imperialism fundamentally means, both in terms of the American Empire and in general. Generally examined, Imperialism basically refers to the practice of a nation controlling, or seeking to control, another nation, either through military means or otherwise, and whether in terms of geographical influence or political policies. Imperialist expansion in its traditional form and sense aimed mainly to seek a political, geographical or military advantage to benefit the expanding state, or it was viewed as such, but in recent times, these definitions seem to be changing, with the focus more on the benefit towards the influence country, rather than the inverse. Countries that aim to excise this influence may be referred to as an empire as they henceforth shall be. In the modern day world, America and Russia can be considered to be empires, considering their political influence over regions and countries past their bo rders. While the days of kings and queens is generally over, and we don’t seem to have empires as we traditionally imagine when we hear the word, when viewed from a technical standpoint, and in terms of today’s changing world, an empire is basically a geographically extensive dominion controlled by a singular source point. This paper outlines that considering the political influence America has all over the world, and in particular on certain countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan, as well as other countries like the Philippines or Spain in the past – from which the idea of American Imperialism first sprang up – America too can be, and should be, considered an empire as vast as any historical empire, or a nation-empire, that is, a nation extending its influence to a particular nation or region, individually or in alliance with other nations. Therefore, while the United States might not be an empire in the extremely traditional sense of the world, when considering the modern definition and the central role America plays in the world’s politics, including its considerable influence on them, America does indeed fulfill the definition of an Empire, and therefore, it can be said to have a considerable imperialistic influence as well. The United States first demonstrated imperialism and i ts existence as an empire in the Spanish war of 1898, where the Americans aimed to free Cubans from Spanish Atrocities. This is perhaps similar to the influence the Americans had on the Iraqi people in the war on Iraq, where it aimed to free the people of Iraq from the tyrannic rule of their then leaders. Perhaps it should therefore be said that the modern day word for an Empire is a Superpower, with expansion being referenced to as occupation, and policies that imperialism is originally based upon being termed as tools to help build a nation.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Examined Life film. (Agree and opinion) Movie Review
Examined Life film. (Agree and opinion) - Movie Review Example us of Avital Ronell provides a stimulating perspective on what goes on in contemporary phases, for instance during her interview with Dufourmantelee, she commented on ways in which the technology can redefine the post human body contour. Or rather the television screen reflection and the spectrally concept. If her artistics work cannot offer the philosophical framework to the film, they contribute in exploding the conventional disciplinary borders and redefining theatricality. Avital Ronnell turned philosophy of performance into a performed philosophy. When she fails to perform herself as in in Examined Life Film, she actually staged her language in the film, thereby resorting to calligrammatic and creative layout drawings, punctuations, and mixing texts. In writing like the crack wars, literature, The telephone book, and Addiction, the textual matter of the scholar became a visual performance and a score in Examined Life Film. Ronnel therefore, tends to dramatize philosophy. Avitall Ronnel is one of the people that assisted in making Examined Life. Avital Ronnel remembered that Heidegger decided to ditch philosophy and went for thinking. She also attempted explaining how people need to live ethical life without the final meaning to them. Avital just like its philosophical belief, she tried to liberate the philosophical issues from the sterile academia world through provoking excursion and entertaining with the influential and famous thinkers (Ronnell, 13). She revealed the philosophical power in transforming the manner in which the world around us is seen and imagined. Examined Life, gave the first ten minute to Avital Ronell. She rhetorically turned the camera around on filmmaker by citing the issues of cutting the intellectual ideas down to less than 10 minutes to satisfy the demand of the medium. Bringing the question on what is important, is it medium or the information. In conclusion, the film avoided manipulation of agenda based arguments of simpl ification
Monday, November 18, 2019
Research Methods Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Methods - Research Proposal Example It finally identifies an ideal model for the presentation of this data to various stakeholders to ensure that they give their economic and social support for the regeneration of Dundee’s Central Waterfront area to a world-class city. The research ends with the description of deliverables that must be presented by Dundee’s Central Waterfront to various stakeholder groups. Keywords: Dundee City, Dundee Central Waterfront, Investors, Stakeholders, Competitive City Introduction Dundee City is embarking on a project to expand Dundee’s city centre down to the Central Waterfront Area (Dundee Waterfront Vision). The Dundee Waterfront area encompasses four main sections of the city of Dundee located near they Tay Riverside (Dundee Waterfront Business Current Project)This project is to create a new iron grid system reminiscent to the connections made by the Romans in the city over 1,500 years ago. It also seeks to improve numerous facilities in the city and also go further to regenerate various elements of the city to place it in the category of other competitive European and Global cities (Dundee City Official Website). The project started in 2001 and is expected to end in the year 2031. Currently, there is the need for investors to sink capital into the various projects to create the background for future development of the city. Also, there is the need to attract and promote the city positively before its stakeholders, particularly present and future residents. Research Objectives McMillan & Weyers (2010) states that every academically recognised research project must have a set of clearly defined objectives that the research will be based upon. The purpose of this research are to: 1. Create the definitive platform for the critical analysis of stakeholders to the Central Waterfront Area development project at this present point in time. 2. Identify optimum uses of sites for investors, settlers and stakeholders 3. The description of the data collec tion methods to be used for the collection of preliminary data for the project 4. The identification of investor and other stakeholder presentation model Literature Review Bryman, (2008) states that for an academic research work to have the relevant credibility and acceptability in the world of academia, there is the need for the researchers to review analyse and present groundbreaking definitions, models and system through secondary literature. First of all, the literature review of this research will be based on the elements and features of a competitive city. From preliminary analysis, the paper should focus on the sector approach, institutional approach and conditions for settlement defined by Sako & Murie, (2010) to lay out the potential and optimum land use type that the presentations to stakeholders must dwell upon. The sector approach involves the zoning of city centres being regenerated optimally between creative industries and knowledge intense industries. The creative ind ustries include arts, media, entertainment, creative business services, publishing, advertising and designing. This will ensure that the city will be promoted in other places where consumers will use these patents that are produced in the city in question. Knowledge
Friday, November 15, 2019
Theories Regarding The Tourism Industry
Theories Regarding The Tourism Industry CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The purpose of this chapter is to review the key literature and the related theories regarding the tourism industry . The focus will be the medical tourism/healthcare services theories of competitiveness . The key findings are based on the applicability of the literature to the purpose and scope of study. 2.2 Main theories of Tourism The research related to the tourism industry is associated with the two main theories. These theories are related to the tourists dependency of moving from one place to other in terms of leisure, medical services, business purpose etc. 2.2.1 Modernization Theory Tourism is a process of temporary movement of people from developed to developing countries from the perspective of the modernization theory. The ability to experience and understand other cultures without abandoning the modern values and traditions will lead to increase in the number of tourists from the developed countries. Tourists from the developed countries are more likely to enjoy the culture of the developing countries within the structure of the modern societies. 2.2.2 Push-Pull Theory According to this theory, some people move because they are pushed out of their own place, others move because they are pulled or attracted to another place. Ravenstein (1889) concluded that pull factors were important than push factors. Oppressive laws, high taxes, bad climate and uncomfortable surroundings forces people to migrate. Individuals desiring to have leisure have the option of selecting a place that best meets their standards, and are attracted towards those places because of what it has to offer. Thus pull factors are important in determining the destination for a tourist. Traditionally, Europe attracts a large number of tourists , but in the recent years, Asia have been attracting the tourists, due to its unique cultural and social attractions. This theory frames the hypothesis that the greater the level of pull factors, the greater will be the increase in tourism. 2.3 Tourism Industry of India Tourism is the largest growing service industry in India, contributing 6.23% to the national GDP and 8.78% to the total employment in India. India attracts more than 5 million annual foreign tourist arrivals and 527 million domestic tourism visits .The tourism industry of India generated about US$100 billion in 2008 and is expected to increase to US$275.5 billion by 2018 at a 9.4% annual growth rate. The 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi are expected to significantly increase tourism in India. 2.3.1 Types of Tourism in India a) Nature Tourism : Indias geographical diversity results in varieties of nature tourism. Foreign tourists are attracted by the natural beauty of India. Water falls in Western Ghats including Jog falls (highest in India). Western Ghats Kerala Backwaters Hill Stations Wildlife Reserves b) Adventure Tourism : It has also increased in recent years due to Indias climate and topography. Varieties of adventures on land, water and air can be found in India. The following are the types of adventure tourism in India: River Rafting Mountain Climbing Rock Climbing Skiing Paragliding Boat Racing c) Wildlife Tourism : Indias rich forest areas with unique species of wildlife attract foreign toursists for wildlife tourism in India such as the Ghana National Park and the Corbett National Park. d) Pilgrimage Tourism : Indias famous cultural temples like the Golden Temple and the Char Dham attracts foreign tourists from all over the world to visit India. e) Healthcare Tourism : India is one of the top healthcare services provider country in the world with low cost treatment and high quality helathcare when compared to countries such as the U.S.A. and the U.K. f) Monument Tourism : India is famous for its historic monuments all over the world. Large number of foreign tourists visit India to see the Taj Mahal, the Qutub Minar, Red Fort and the Gateway of India. g) Eco Tourism : India has a variety of preserved natural areas which attracts tourists for eco tourism in india . The Gir National Park and the Kaziranga National Park are some natural preserved areas. h) Beach Tourism: India is also famous for its beaches in Chennai , Goa and Mumbai. Tourists visit these places to enjoy the beautiful beaches along the coastline. 2.4 Healthcare Tourism in India Healthcare Tourism is one of the major growing industry in India. The Economic Times (6 January 2009) reported that Indias medical tourism sector is expected to have an annual growth rate of 30%, making it a Rs. 9,500-crore industry by 2015. The Indian Express (18 September 2006) estimates of the value of healthcare tourism to India are expected as high as $2 billion a year by 2012. The key advantages of India in attracting the foreign medical tourists are- Low Costs of Medical Treatment Availablity of advanced medical technologies Achievement of International Quality Standards in Healthcare Services The Chicago Tribune (28 March 2008) reported that Healthcare treatment costs in India are low in price as compared to the treatment in U.S.A and U.K. The most popular treatments in India include heart surgery, bone-marrow transplant, cardiac bypass, eye surgery and hip replacement. Indian healthcare service providers in India comprises of many Hospital groups like- Apollo Hospitals and Fortis Healthcare who are the major contributors of Indias success in international market for healthcare tourism. Many Indian hospitals have been certified from the British Standards Institute and Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organisations . The Indian city of Chennai has been declared Indias Health Capital because of its contribution of 45% of medical tourists from abroad and 30-40% of domestic health tourists. The Economic Times (18 November 2008) reported that India has developed into a hub for medical tourists seeking quality healthcare at an affordable cost. Nearly 4,50,000 foreigners sought medical treatment in India last year. A cardiac surgery in India would cost 9000 USD than the cost of 75000 USD to 100,000 USD in U.S.A. A spine surgery would cost around 8000-9000 USD in India than the cost of 65000 USD in U.S.A. A joint replacement would cost 8000 USD in India than the cost of 55000-65000 USD in U.S.A. Many Indian hospitals are promoting their international quality of healthcare services by joining international accreditation agencies to obtain the necessary approvals on safety and quality services.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Metamorphosis Essay -- The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka Literature Es
The Metamorphosis The longer story The Metamorphosis, first published in 1971, was written by Franz Kafka. He was born in Prague in 1883 and lived until 1924, and he has written many other stories along with The Metamorphosis. The Metamorphosis appears to be a fantastic piece. After reading The Metamorphosis, I do believe that there are many similarities between magical realism and fantastic literature. Kafka showed many fantastic issues in The Metamorphosis. While reading The Metamorphosis, I did not feel that it had any magical elements in the story, but had many fantastic elements. In my opinion, I think that the story did have some realist elements. For example, there was a lot of tension with the family. Although it had to do with Gregor Samsa who turned into the insect, that tension is still real. Families do have arguing along with tension, even if most of the time it was due to Gregor being an insect. Most of us should know that, when a person wakes up one day and is all of a sudden a bug, that change can not be magical. There is not any other way to look at that. A person just can not appear to be an insect one day and wake up with these enormous legs and be a bug. A magical element in The Metamorphosis is that a person could see or picture this monstrous vermin or insect. The boy turning into an insect could be somewhat magical because here there is a human body lying on the bed, and then within the blink of an eye, it is a bug. I feel that magical elements and fantastic literature are similar. For example, Gregor's father was throwing apples at him and one got stuck in his back, and became infected. Then he eventually died. I can see that example as magical, but I could also see it as a fantasy. Angel Flore... ...c issues in The Metamorphosis. I felt that the fantastic elements were similar to some magical elements. If he or she needs to know more about how to compare magical elements to fantastic elements, I would recommend he or she to look up information on the internet or find books. There are many different things a person can find to relate to. Works Cited Franz Kafka Criticism. 31 Jan 2001. Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis. N.Y.: Schocken Books, 1971. Rabkin, Eric S. The Fantastic in Literature. Princeton, N. J: Princeton UP, 1976 The Metamorphosis. By Kafka, Franz. Summary. 31 Jan 2001.<> Todorov, Tzvetan. The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Form. Cleveland: The Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1973.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Long Term Care Insurance Essay
Given the increasing longevity of Americans and the costs of providing long-term care, anticipation of the costs should be a major element of every family’s financial planning. Current information suggests however, that very few families or individuals give this consideration. What factors might impede this advance planning? What measures might be effective in raising awareness among Americans about this important matter? Support your answer with at least one outside reference. People tend to be irrational in their decisions with regard to long-term medical care. The factors that impede rational decision-making among health care consumers have not changed over the last decade. The major problem is that consumers lack relevant information about the availability and effectiveness of health care services in long-term perspective (RWJF, 1998). Another problem is that rational decision-making about long-term care inhibits the sense of autonomy among consumers; in other words, â€Å"consumer unwillingness to plan for future long-term care needs undercuts their autonomy and precipitates a rush toward dependence and financial difficulties†(RWJF, 1998). Ultimately, consumers have a hidden hope that their relatives and not medical facilities will help them resolve their decision-making issues in future. Here, an information campaign could help develop consumer awareness about the benefits of advance planning, as well as the availability, and the quality of health care services. Very often, physicians themselves fail to assess long-term consumer needs; as a result, better training and full information about the types of long-term health care arrangement may help improve the situation. The number of those involved into advance planning programs will serve a reliable indicator for the program effectiveness in the long run. 2. More than three-fourths of the elderly needing assistance is cared for by family members, many of whom also work outside the home. What implications does this have for employers? What types of employer policies might be appropriate regarding those engaged in providing long-term care for a family member? Support your answer with at least one outside reference. Statistical research suggests that â€Å"over three quarters – 78 percent – of adults receiving long-term care at home rely exclusively on assistance from family members, friends, and volunteers, referred to as informal care†(Thompson, 2004). Despite the benefits which caregiving offers to a disabled person, it has far-reaching negative implications for the mental, physical, and social state of the caregiver. Beyond the mere fact that caregivers are more vulnerable to mental and physical health complications, they face serious employment challenges. â€Å"Some caregivers reduce their hours and others withdraw completely from the labor force†(Thompson, 2004). Employers find it difficult to work with employees, who are depressed or are ill as a result of excessive caregiving. Here, Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) may save employers and employees from financial and physical losses. LTCI is usually a small expenditure for a firm (all LTCI premiums are tax deductible). Simultaneously, â€Å"it assures quality when needed, and equally important, helps the employee protect assets for retirement†(Florek, 2005). Taking into account that workplace accommodations made by caregivers usually cost up to $30 billion annually in lost productivity (Florek, 2005), LTCI may become an excellent solution, providing employers and employees with a chance for a better quality of care without substantial losses for business. 3. Concerns regarding the potential costs of caring for those with mental illness have caused the majority of insurers and HMOs to rely on â€Å"carve-outs†written into their policies. In your own words, describe what the term â€Å"carve-out†means in regards to the behavioral health industry. What are the advantages and disadvantages to this practice? Support your answer with at least one outside reference. â€Å"Carve-out†is a relatively new alternative model of health care provision in behavioral health industry. In simple terms, a â€Å"carve-out†is a system of administrative measures used by health care facilities to shift their responsibility for consumers’ mental health onto a different network of mental health providers. In carve-outs, â€Å"a specialty organization or vendor assumes the responsibility for identifying a network of mental health providers, establishing a mechanism for accessing those providers†(Entrepreneur, 1998). The impact of carve-outs on the quality of health care is rather controversial. Not all states were able to perceive the benefits of significant cost reduction that usually follows the development and implementation of carve-out initiatives at the state level (Brisson et al, 1997). Although Massachusetts was the one to experience dramatic decrease in medical expenditures, that was not the case for Tennessee (Brisson et al, 1997). Moreover, Merrick, Garnick & Horgan (2001) suggest that carve out benefits do not protect enrollees from the â€Å"risk of catastrophic expenditures†. In terms of quality care, the results of scarce research suggest that the implementation of carve-out mechanisms is not associated with a better (or worse) quality of care (Busch, Frank & Lehman, 2004). As a result, the advantages of carve-out programs do not seem to go beyond the dry financial statistics in regards to the reduction of expenditures in mental health industry. References Brisson, A. E. , Frank, R. G. , Notman, E. S. & Gazmararian, J. A. (1997). Impact of a managed behavioral health care carve-out: A case study of one HMO. National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved January 26, 2009 from http://www. nber. org/papers/w6242. pdf Busch, A. B. , Frank, R. G. & Lehman, A. F. (2004). The effect of a managed behavioral health carve-out on quality of care for Medicaid patients diagnosed as having schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 61: 442-448. Entrepreneur. (1998). Managing behavioral health. Entrepreneur. com. Retrieved January 26, 2009 from https://www. entrepreneur. com/tradejournals/article/54586928_1. html Florek, P. (2005). Long-term care insurance: protecting the employer, employee, and family. RedOrbit. Retrieved January 26, 2009 from http://www. redorbit. com/news/technology/267111/longterm_care_insurance_protecting_the_employer_employee_and_family/index. html Merrick, E. L. , Garnick, D. W. & Horgan, C. (2001). Benefits in behavioral health carve-out plans for Fortune 500 firms. Psychiatr Serv, 52: 943-948. RWJF. (1998). Advance planning helps consumers make better decisions about long-term care. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Retrieved January 26, 2009 from http://www. rwjf. org/reports/grr/022308s. htm Thompson, L. (2004). Long-term care: support for family caregivers. Georgetown University. Retrieved January 26, 2009 from http://ltc. georgetown. edu/pdfs/caregivers. pdf
Friday, November 8, 2019
portrait of the artist as a yo essays
portrait of the artist as a yo essays ird Imagery in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man The works of twentieth-century Irish writer James Joyce resound vividly with a unique humanity and genius. His novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, published in 1916, is a convincing journey through the inner mind and spirit of Stephen Dedalus. Portrayed with incredible fluency and realism, imagery guides the reader through the swift current of growth tangible in the juvenile hero. Above all heavy imagery in the novel is the recurring bird motif. Joyce uses birds to ultimately relate Stephen to the Daedelus myth of the hawklike man; however, these images also exemplify Stephens daily experiences, and longing for true freedom (page169). By using imagery of birds as threatening, images of beauty, and images of escape, the reader can unify the work and better understand Stephens tumultuous journey through life. The opening scene of Chapter one portrays a conversation between a very young Stephen and Dante, Stephens nanny. She scolds him for an unconventional thought, warning him that the eagles will come and pull out [your] eyes(8). This obviously graphic image suggests to Stephen the threatening presence of eagles that are minding all his thoughts. Joyces vividness with such gruesome imagery has a real effect on Stephen; he repeats Dantes caution in his childish song, chanting: Pull out his eyes, Apologize (8). A playful, yet sensitive Stephen must immediately conform Pfeiffer 2 even his innocent unorthodox actions in fear of the threatening phantom eagles to save the consequences they will bring. His thoughts are threatened again by birds when he meets an acquaintance named Heron when walking down a dark street. Stephen immediately notes the peculiar image of Herons bird face as well as a birds name(76). Through descriptive images of Herons mobile face, beaked like a bird...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
IT and Voting essays
IT and Voting essays Information technology what is information technology or IT and can IT be used in the voting system of today. First lets define IT to get a better understanding of the word. Information technology is hardware, software, telecommunications, database management, and information processing technologies used in computer-based information systems. An example of IT is the input, output, and storage devices that support them. This is the same system used at the voting polls on Election Day. You have input (human), output (the machine used to cast a vote), and storage device (the data stored on the ballot). This is the conventional way to vote but since was in the 21st century (the age of the computer) why dont we just use a form of IT with the voting system so it would be more accurate. The problem with using IT in the voting system today is that if we use a form of IT, say the internet, and internet voting system would not be good in a election where the stakes are high (say the president of the U.S.) there would be a strong motivation for someone to commit fraud. Also with the internet there could be a series of vote buying and selling and privacy violations that could reverse the outcome of the election. Another problem with using IT in the voting polls is that with a computer styled voting system it would lack an audit trail. This would mean that in a close election there could be no recount of votes. The computer styled voting system might not always count the votes correctly. In computers, Hackers would be a main concern with this type of system. All in all there is enough information to develop computer based voting system but we just havent thought of a way to keep people from tampering with the votes. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Describe and discuss how OSHA makes use of Section 5(a)(1) of the Act Assignment
Describe and discuss how OSHA makes use of Section 5(a)(1) of the Act - Assignment Example 1). For the clause to be invoked, there must be a hazard that is existing although there are consensus standards (as agreed upon) which exposes an employee to potential physical injury or even possibly serious harm such as hospitalization or death. Hazard here means danger, and it is quite subjective but as long as there is potential injury or harm, then a hazardous situation exists. The hazard must be recognized or evident, such as a construction worker who is above a scaffold that is ten feet high but working without a safety belt or no rails were being provided by the construction company. The law requires safety measures (belt or rails) for anyone who works at more than six feet in any construction-related project to prevent accidental falls. A fall at more than six feet height is very likely to cause serious physical harm, such as a broken arm, broken leg or a broken neck (resulting in paralysis) or even much worse, death (if the worker happens to fall head first). Just because no accident has happened yet does not mean a hazard does not exist, and the General Duty Clause is precisely intended to prevent accidents. The employer (construction firm) must provide abatement measures that will reduce or eliminate the hazard from an accidental fall, such as issuing safety belts or building those rails. It is feasible or easily doable by the company but may entail some additional expense on its
Friday, November 1, 2019
Digital tools and architectural visualization Term Paper
Digital tools and architectural visualization - Term Paper Example The report has found out that technology has changed the way designing used to be done. There is a whole lot of digital tools and computer software’s in use currently that have eased the work of an architect. Architects are using animation technologies and software’s that are projecting building in an almost real manner. The report analyses in detail the use of technology in the profession and its significance in future world of architecture. Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 3.0 ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IN ARCHITECTURE 10 4.0 Digital Visualization Technical Overview 13 Benefits of the transition to digital Architectural Visualization 15 5.0 CONCLUSION 16 Revit 16 ArchiCAD 16 SketchUp 17 Rhinoceros 3D 17 AutoCAD 17 Works cited 19 1.0 INTRODUCTION Architecture is probably ranked among the world’s oldest professions of all time, it is an art in itself and only people with unrivalled creative genius were associated with the professio n. Many buildings and monuments have been built through this science right from the medieval times. Architectural design is among the professions in the world that have direct effect on us, we probably would not be seeing the kind of buildings that pride our skylines today were not for this profession. A while back architects performed their trade through sheer creativity and drawing. It called for individuals who are highly creative, good in drawing and men who were good in mathematics. We can say, it called for artists who are above the basic level, to come up with sketches and designs, it required for calculation and good drawing capability since architects did not have the advantage of technology assisted designs during their time. This is a profession that requires at most care in order not to make mistakes that will be threatening to the whole process of construction. Technology has come up with tools to help in the development of architectural designs which are more accurate and deliberate on quality to cut down on costly mistakes. All said and talked about, architecture has not gained the necessary audience and not many people care to understand the ropes. Therefore despite the improvement in technology some segments of architects have refused to move with technological tide deciding instead to maintain the traditional way of doing things. The researcher hence found it necessary to bring to light all the gains made in the architectural world primarily focusing on technology and tools available to architects to make their work stand out while improving on quality. It should be understood that the current complex designs seen in the first world countries would not have happened without complex digital technology to birth a design. Currently it is possible to build structures that seem to defy gravity and structures which respond positively to environment thanks to improved technology on architecture. Without architects great structures cannot be created, hence the researcher found motivation with the kind of progress that has taken place and needs to be known. In this report the researcher meant for it to address the following points while making them the main objectives points-: Types Digital tools used in architecture focusing also on available software’s What is visualization and how it has helped in designing The impact of technology on arc
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The European Debt Crisis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The European Debt Crisis - Research Paper Example The crisis accentuated the economic interdependence of the EU, as it highlighted the deficiency in the Eurozone’s political integration which was vital for the provision of a well-harmonized and effectual financial response. To ease the debt crisis and improve economic status, EU’s richest members encouraged the most highly indebted EU members to cut down on government expenditures and programs and to increase their taxes. Despite efforts, market instability continued until the end of 2011, thus questioning the future of the euro (Alessi). This paper will discuss the European debt crisis and the mitigation measures implemented to resolve the issues. The European Debt Crisis The Maastricht Treaty outlined the conditions for European nations aiming to be a eurozone member by organizing its finances through guaranteeing an annual inflation not exceeding 1.5%; maintaining finance debits up to 3% of GDP; and keeping a debt-to-GDP ratio below 60%. The European nations agre ed to tighten budgets by decreasing public expenditures and increasing tariffs. However, the enforcement of the EU conditions was not strictly implemented (Wignall and Slovik). Since the 1930s, the European Union was in serious economic downturn with actual GDP expected to plummet by 4% in 2009, the biggest decline ever recorded in the EU history. While indications of improvement have been observed, economic revival stays improbable. The response of the EU to the recession had been fast. Besides the intervention to steady and restructure the banking sector, the European Economic Recovery Plan (EERP) was commenced in 2008 for re-establishing reliance and reinforcing demand by increasing the economy’s purchasing power through balanced tactical financial schemes and measures that would support the business and employment sectors. The entire economic incentive and the outcomes of regulated fiscal stabilizers total 5 percent of European GDP (â€Å"Economic Crisis in Europe: Cause s, Consequences and Responses†). The execution of crisis emergency measures by European members momentarily sustained the labor markets and heightened investments in the public infrastructure companies. To guarantee the economic resurgence and to continue the European nations’ future development possibilities, the focus must change from temporary demand administration to a long-term supply management, otherwise, it could hamper EU’s reformation or build damaging deformations to the Internal Market (â€Å"Economic Crisis in Europe: Causes, Consequences and Responses†). European Crisis Mitigation Measures In 2010, the leading European nations implemented an emergency protocol to cease the mounting fiscal market strains arising from distress about the financial recovery of indebted European nations (Ahearn et al). Financial Aid to Greece, Portugal, and Ireland In 2009, existing alarms concerning the sustainability of household finances in some Eurozone nation s started when the sentiments of financiers turned against Greece. Over the past ten years, Greece had loaned deeply in the global capital markets to sustain soaring government expenses, banking system inflexibilities, and deteriorating competitiveness (Nelson). Access to funds at minimal interest rates and poor imposition of EU regulations regarding debit limits facilitated the onset of today’s European sovereign debt dilemma (Nelson et al). Greece, Ireland, and Portugal have been given considerable financial supports by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Eurozone and EU monetary
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