Thursday, September 3, 2020
Quality Safety and Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Quality Safety and Management - Coursework Example These guidelines spread out the obligations of the considerable number of partners in the development procedure, extending from the customers, creators just as, putting more accentuation on the CDM organizer. For the most part, issues relating development industry have happened to grave worry to general society in totality. For example, it has been noticed that there has been a lot of conversation in the development business about the obligations and forces that the CDM Coordinator as of now has, and what changes to those forces could improve the adequacy of the CDM Regulations to accomplish their significant level points. All the more obviously, research has implied that the UK development industry experiences various issues, not least of which is its notoriety for not addressing clients’ needs. This paper looks to dissect these two undertones so as to clarify the suggestions for the issues. Examination and assessment Since the detailing of new guidelines, specialists have lo oked to feature the situation of the development business with a goal to bring into center their point of view around the issue of difficulties confronting the development business as it stands today. With presentation of the CDM organizer, a new development was normal. ... Eminently, execution of the development business has been appraised on the cost, quality and the time in question. As indicated by Hunt, Robitaille and Villiams (2008) after divided nature of the business there has been helpless correspondence between the partners associated with a development venture and the CDM facilitator. Examinations concerning the issue has uncovered that, the progressions recently settled have never been actualized inferring that the development business has been very nearly opposing change (Crosby, 2004). It has additionally been set up that in spite of the fact that customers were the primary gatherings in impelling change in the development business, they were once in a while associated with the administration of the division and furthermore there was the requirement for appropriate correspondence between the customers and the contractual workers, and the organizer (CIRIA, 1999). Reexamining Construction called attention to on the requirement for appropriat ion of systems that will ensure quality and effectiveness in the UK development industry. They recognized the significant drivers for the proposed change as submitted initiative, better spotlight on the client, Integration of frameworks and groups, having a quality driven plan just as, submitted individuals (CIRIA, 1999). Another investigation uncovered that, the yield of the UK business rose to a significant level provoking an ascent in the measures inside the part (CIRIA, 1999). As per a report by showcase and the sanctioned foundation of buying, despite expanded action in the development part new types of work business despite everything remained at low edges (Chau and Lai, 1994). As showed the development buying administrators list (CPI) remained at 50.9 imprint in October, 2012
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Dietary Food Supplements Essay Research Paper There free essay sample
Dietary Food Supplements Essay, Research Paper There are such huge numbers of dietetic supplement addendums out on the advertise today. The majority of them do reactions that cause these stocks to consume on the racks. Others truly work, it simply relies upon the person. A portion of these addendums guarantee to be a fat safeguard that you take before you eat which makes you ingest less fat in your natural structure. Others guarantee to do you non hungry which is non sound by any means. You can non last without supplement. You ought to accept of your natural structure as an auto, without fuel it can non travel. In the event that you get one of the numerous fittingness magazines counting: ? Wellness? , ? Shape? or on the other hand? Oxygen? a significant number of the pages contain weightloss addendums. One addendum is? Xenical. ? At the point when you join this pill with a decent repast, it might help you free weight. A decent repast is comprised of seared poulet also, veggies, a healthfully adjusted repast. We will compose a custom paper test on Dietary Food Supplements Essay Research Paper There or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This is an viable product in the event that you are at least 30 lbs overweight. All things considered, on the off chance that you are that plump and you start to eat a great repast, so of class you will free the weight without Xenical. You other than have the weightloss addendum that makes a difference you manufacture muscle as you work out. There are pills, shingles, bars, they come in every unique sort. ? ProV60? is a pounding that you blend in with a fluid. It is a high protein, low saccharide supplement addendum. It on a very basic level loots your natural structure of the saccharides that you have to work. Another product is? Thyrolean. ? This stock is made to do you free lbs past a certain limit. The set point hypothesis regions that your natural structure is hereditarily made to trouble a specific weight and your natural structure will fight to keep that weight, you can non adjust this weight. In different words this product is playing with your hereditary sciences. In the event that you are making a trip to look for one of these dietetic stocks, I would first consult with your doctor. There are such a significant number of symptoms thus a large number of these stocks are non useful for your natural structure. The best way to state I by trail and misstep, yet you may destroy your framework. A portion of these dietetic stocks contain things that you ought to non be seting into your natural structure, or they contain non a lot of the nourishments that you need. Perhaps the best thing that you can make to free weight is to apply a few times a hebdomad and eat more beneficial.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Social Advertising: Overview and Analysis
Social Advertising: Overview and Analysis Publicizing is a technique for correspondence utilized by organizations with the point of making buyers quicker on purchasing the item advanced. Promotion as indicated by McNamara (2011) can be characterized as bringing an item (or administration) to the consideration of potential and current clients concentrated on one product㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ thus the arrangement for one item may be unique in relation to that for another㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ It is hence fundamental also to take note of that there are a few mediums through which publicizing has throughout the years been brought out through like plugs, signs, direct nails, individual contact, and signs or even through electronic sends. Social publicizing, then again, has been being used for a considerable length of time in opposition to the convictions of numerous who will in general think and recommend that it is another and late thought in the correspondence division. The entire thought of social publicizing is pegged on utilizing the showcasing and promoting methods of reasoning to advance wellbeing and social issues with a point of delivering a positive change in conduct of a focused on gathering or society as a rule (Farlex. The Free Dictionary. PC Desktop Encyclopedia, 2009. Social Advertising). It is broadly utilized by philanthropic and different foundations, for example, the Center for Disease Control and Drug Free Partnership for America, which has been utilizing and participating in social promoting for a long time to affect the general public and the world on the loose. The historical backdrop of social publicizing however in America began during the World War II where social promoting was utilized to illuminate individuals on the unfurling and furthermore battle for the American government. Roosevelt trained that a War Advertising Council (presently the Ad Council) be set up, which conveyed social notices for the benefit of the legislature and furthermore the non-benefit associations like the Smokey Bear crusade. Along these lines, the American populace was kept mindful of what was happening in the general public as far as people groups response towards the war and furthermore educated about the happenings in the front line. (Chatham University 2009, The Effects of American Advertising and Consumerism.) In fact, the term social publicizing/promoting was utilized by Kotler and Zalman in 1971 first regarding the use of showcasing in an offer to take care of cultural issues (The Philippine Star, 2001). Since promoting had been utilized to astoundingly move advertise items, it was contended that in a similar pattern it tends to be utilized to move individuals to receive specific practices that are attractive and valuable to the general public. There are social advertising efforts that are intended to uncover the difficulty territories to the more extensive society and make us mindful to their causes. Despite the fact that carrying the consideration of the general public to the base of the issue may not trigger change in the demeanor of the general public and their conduct as these are formed by propensities, interests, emotions, and convictions (The Philippine Star, 2001) and that is the motivation behind why the social promoting efforts, so as to be viewed as successful must transverse the minor obstacle of tumult and instruction. Social advertising is curiously described by its accentuation on the non-substantial items and execution instead of the focal point of business showcasing on unmistakable merchandise and items. The essential spotlight is on the general population and on understanding what their needs and needs are, instead of winding them to fit into what we have like in the business advertising model. More or less, social publicizing fundamentally tells the individual/gathering to grasp another conduct, decrease a plausible impact/conduct, change a present conduct and dispose of an old conduct. On an individual level, I am exceptionally delicate to social issues and humanitys future difficulties, that is the reason I find sociological points extremely fascinating. I was exceptionally determined likewise to consolidate my business and the board information worried about promoting. These days, publicizing has a crucial job in our lives since we can discover it all over! In business terms, promoting is the primary concern of the showcasing blend. The advertising blend contains the components utilized by firms to fulfill as viably as conceivable the requirements of their clients, for example, side-effect, by cost, by advancement and by place. US is by all accounts an excellent guide to look at since its publicizing segment is on reliable development with estimations surpassing $300 billion spend on promoting for 2010 (, 2007). A nation that contends and gives its promoting highlights in a global market, (through web for instance) would then be able to be accepted that is a trailblazer for overall wonders and may prompt conduct changes not just for residential watchers. Henceforth, the primary point of this all-encompassing paper is to investigate the degree to which social publicizing is inescapable in the United States, by investigating its extent of utilization in various features of the American culture. Attributes of social promoting: The social notices endeavor to advance commercial configurations that will exploit the social recognition and point of view of the watcher (Pharma Marketing, 2010). This is as opposed to the conventional publicizing that was non-social and depended on the subtleties thought about the individual while the social promoting is focused on the individual clients existing and potential system. It is the gaining by the impression of the watcher that make social publicizing to be the first of its sort to take methodical influence over the customarily disconnected probability, for example, companions suggestions, peer impact and pressure and different indications of friend impact (Pharmaceutical Marketing Network, 2011 Social Advertising on Facebook). This makes it progressively mainstream and utilized by a lot increasingly each waking day. The social promoting rehashes the substance again and again inside extremely brief timeframe not at all like the customary publicizing that were planned and restricted to the pinnacle times when it is felt they can create more impact and effect. The interpersonal organization will get the watchers opportune and rehashed transmissions at stunned interims (Compass Labs, 2010). The social ads have additionally gone about as referrals that are trusted by numerous individuals and this gives considerably more proof that individuals can impact others. The social promoting exploits the way that it is not, at this point a worldview of what message is sent to the more extensive watcher stage yet that which is shared among companions and social publicizing decides to investigate these social patterns to build up another kind of publicizing framework (Bloomerg Businessweek, 2007). The publicists are consequently continually scanning for approaches to contact various informal communities which propels them to see publicizing systems to push through their custom substance and applications. This makes them concoct intuitive promotions or logical publicizing. (Computerized Signage Today, 2011) To get a more profound comprehension of the possibility of social promoting, it will be commendable investigating a couple of instances of these publicists and the notices also and see what they bargain in. The different social publicizing that we face everyday incorporates those that push us to acknowledge new conduct like Wear an actual existence vest while in the vessel or those that urge us to dismiss potential destructive conduct like pregnant ladies ought to keep away from liquor to get away from prospects of imperfections to the unborn youngster. There are those social notices that intend to adjust a momentum conduct like guardians to wear safety belts as a good example so as to lessen wounds if there should arise an occurrence of a mishap and those that focus to assist one with surrendering old practices, such as stopping smoking to decrease odds of malignancies or birth abandons. These are a portion of the social publicizing that we go over on an exceptionally customary premise. A portion of the highlights that are regular with most if not all social promoting are that they are non-business and exclusively focused on cultural advantages. They are likewise performed by governments, huge corporate associations or NGOs. They are also identified with the people groups demeanor and enroll the utilization of enormous names that are famous among the focused on society or gathering. Methods of social publicizing: In the realm of social publicizing, there are various methods that are utilized by the gatherings in question. The mediums to be utilized are perpetual relying upon the focused on crowd and watchers and what is effectively open to them. Divider wall paintings, bulletins, flyers, road furniture, cards, radio, TV, cell phone screens, human announcements, papers, shopping baskets, transport sides, planes, web pennants, housetops, stickers, back of tickets and a lot more places have been utilized by the social promoting to go over their message and point (, 2011). Of late, there have been propensities of increasingly more social promoting setting off to the World Wide Web which is an ongoing disclosure when contrasted with the others. It is a powerful medium since once an advert is transferred onto the site, the message and pictures cam be seen all through the world. The other late mode is the computerized signage. It is a power to deal with in the field of notice. The computerized signage gets into close touch with the focused on watchers and investigates the intuitive idea of individuals. They are additionally simple to control with exactness regarding what to show and for to what extent and how frequently. This makes the message to be pertinent to the crowd consistently and differing places. These are utilized in grocery stores, eateries and even traffic intersections. (Computerized Signage Today, 2011). The other late strategy that the social promoting utilizes is the E-mail marvel, which is similarly an ongoing pattern as the advanced signage. All the more frequently this occurs as spontaneous nails that contain the social spark or message expected to be passed over. (Majon International, 2010). From the above methods, it is obvious that the web-based social networking has struck kindness am
Strategic Planning and SWOT Analysis †Free Samples to Students
Question: Talk about the Strategic Planning and SWOT Analysis. Answer: Presentation: Key improvement is a procedure wherein the executives of association get important information and data for wanted results. The advantage of vital advancement arranging is that it encourages viability in choices by choosing strategic choice that prompts lift the possibility of accomplishing partners targets and goals(McKay, 2001). There is no particular instrument for key arranging process, notwithstanding, standard and steps laid in a portion of the methodology advancement apparatus help associations to upgrade the estimation of procedure. Among numerous others, SWOT, PESTLE and Five Force Analysis are the three most used vital devices which will be talked about in this paper alongside giving useful instances of it. SWOT Analysis can be characterized as a procedure of inspecting inside qualities and shortcomings of firms alongside discovering openings and dangers present in outer condition. Steps associated with it are assortment of essential and optional information after which those are dissected. (McKay, 2001)The information gathered are arranged under four classes; shortcoming, quality, openings and dangers. Qualities in SWOT investigation alludes to those variables that prompts companys exceptional execution like resources, ventures, quality improvement, and so on. Shortcoming is those elements that diminishes nature of association or those elements that makes generally cost for the organization high. Wastefulness in work, poor correspondence, absence of budgetary assets, and so on are not many elements that by and large contains shortcoming of association. Openings as indicated by SWOT are perceiving new activities for development of the business. Item improvement, acquisitions and mergers , alongside increasing upper hand over contenders are barely any open doors as indicated by SWOT. Then again dangers are those components that can give negative impact in hierarchical execution. Political and monetary insecurity, spending shortfall, dangers from contenders, and so on are scarcely any dangers that make associations make essential strides after analysis(Harrison, 2010). SWOT Analysis of movement industry With developing aircraft administration around the world, travel industry has gotten critical and to get associated with travelers have gotten essential for movement offices. Getting ready SWOT examination through vital improvement device will give help to voyaging business and advancing productive voyaging offices. Qualities related travel organizations are that they can design their own demonstration as per the market needs. They are likewise competent to urge individuals to visit visitors place in their nation by giving additional offices and comfort. Shortcoming lays here is that absence of foundation can once in a while influence organizations persona. Additionally, venture out offices are confined to advance the travel industry offices in chose areas as it were. Numerous new inn and eateries might be obscure to trip specialists and along these lines they need data by sitting in one spot. Openings lies here are that make a trip organization are able to thrive by making accomplic es with different offices and getting more information on up and coming inns and open intrigue places. Dangers lies are financial emergency in the nation. Likewise, absence of data and offices doesn't pull in guests and can debilitate them to visit in offered places. Government likewise makes less interests in these territories which are the explanation that movement organizations can't flourish(Haseeb, 2015). PESTEL is a vital improvement device utilized for assessing political, practical, social, innovative, ecological and legitimate elements identified with associations. It ends up being a compelling instrument for considering outer condition at beginning phase of business(Collins, n.d.). It distinguishes outer or full scale ecological powers that can influence the association. Political variables are those in which administration of the nation impacts association like exchange levies, monetary strategy, and so on. Financial elements identifies with impacts by determinants of monetary exhibitions like financial expansion in nation, decreased GDP, and so on. Social elements incorporate thought of social networks and individuals of the region where undertaking must be set up. Fourth is mechanical factor that alludes to the measure of developments that are available in the market for the association alongside considering the measure of innovation the organization can engage with. Ecologica l factors legitimately identifies with environmental factors like atmosphere, topography and climate. In conclusion, legitimate elements accounts laws and guidelines of nation like buyer laws, wellbeing principles, and so on. (Galea, 2017) PESTEL Analysis of Construction Industry Development extends in each nation are special in nature however every one of them require tremendous speculations. In this manner ID of outer hazard gets fundamental for the development organizations to take quantifies in progress. Political shakiness is one main consideration looked by each development organization as stretched out tasks needs to endure numerous adjustments in country. Any change in legislative arrangement influences the business to extraordinary degree. Financial factors likewise results trouble for development organizations as any destruction in monetary standard would decrease the ventures esteem. Gracefully chain occasion will likewise get upset if pay per capita is diminished. Any remote exchange venture is exceptionally relied upon outer investigation for making interest in the development organization. Any unforeseen sociological factor additionally influences social condition of Construction Company. Purchasing pattern in more socially dynamic and occasion staying nations will be more than the ones with socially upset nations. Mechanical mindfulness likewise influences Construction Companys since they will in general develop every day and making ordinary acquisition of new hardware may influence cost turnover of the organization. Legitimate variables like laws and guidelines are additionally thought of while making outer examination as fixing of undertaking esteem relies exceptionally on it. In conclusion, condition assumes significant job since quiet whether can help in creating quality development when contrasted with climatically upset country(TRIVEDI, 2016). Doormen five power examination is one of the administration apparatuses that utilization industry powers to decide the quality of contenders of other association in comparative industry. Dangers of new contestants are one of the powers that perceive contentions present in the market. In the event that the organization shows profiteering, at that point this danger turns out to be more as it draws in opponents to go into the business. Different variables that influence new participants are absence of client unwaveringness, no guideline in government, indistinguishable items, and so on. Deal intensity of providers is second factor as this decides the purchasing limit of the firm. In the event that the substitute is bigger, this factor becomes danger as providers may change to them. Be that as it may, if there are numerous providers accessible, this factor goes to be open door for the organization. Haggling intensity of purchasers is likewise a significant factor as it demonstrates the a bility to request high or less from industry. Lower value brings about low pay if haggling intensity of purchasers is solid. Substitute danger is a power that compromises organizations to incredible degree as purchaser can switch effectively from one item to the next whichever costs little for them alongside making examination of value. Contentions among contenders decides how serious or productive the business is and whether the mechanical development is conceivable or not(Jurevicius, 2013). Five Forces examination of horticulture industry Michael Porter has recommended that to empower serious market, agribusiness chiefs must consider industry powers and performing five power examinations decides extreme potential in the business. As indicated by this device, new contestants bring new limit and rivalry for clients. This danger additionally relies upon passage hindrance in this way makes hard for exterior to enter this industry. Substitute items has all the earmarks of being unique yet can fulfill clients needs ordinarily. For instance, changing from wheat to rice is simple and should be possible as indicated by the market esteem. Bartering intensity of providers is by all accounts high in the event that they are not many in numbers wheras if buyers are less in numbers, providers are frail. Haggling intensity of purchasers additionally influences the business as it can constrain down the procedure of yields and play contenders against each other(Sorrentino et al., 2017). Contention among existing firms brings about dire ct rivalry in industry. Where contenders are equivalent in sizes, they hinder the development of industry alongside decreasing offering cost of their ware to rival one another. Since the presentation of five power examination in key apparatuses, the eventual fate of farming business has seen taking choices in the wake of estimating outside powers without which continuing in their industry would not have been easy(Gray et al., 2004). References: Collins, R., n.d. Is There a Better Way To Analyze the Business Environment. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Galea, T.S.a.D., 2017. Nuisance investigation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Dim, A., Boehlje, M. Akridge, J., 2004. Vital POSITIONING IN AGRIBUSINESS: ANALYSIS AND OPTIONS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Harrison, J.P., 2010. Key PLANNING AND SWOT ANALYSIS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 April 2018]. Haseeb, 2015. SWOT Analysis of Travel Industry. [Online] Available at: of-travel-industry/[Accessed 19 April 2018]. Jurevicius, O., 2013. Doorman's Five Forces. [Online] Available at: five-forces.html [Accessed 19 April 2018]. McKay, E
Friday, August 21, 2020
Does Alexander the Great Deserve His Title The Great Essay Example For Students
Does Alexander the Great Deserve His Title The Great? Exposition Ever, numerous extraordinary things were accomplished. In any case, its not Just about what was cultivated. Its about who did it. Wars were battled, tears were shed. One of the most notable men who battled in these wars was Alexander the Great. Does he really merit the Great on the finish of his name? Is it accurate to say that he was a sufficient pioneer to have that title? A few people would don't think so, however I accept he has each privilege to have the Great on the finish of his name. At around age twenty-twenty-tolls, a youthful sovereign became ruler and arranged for the starting to another world. This man was considered Alexander the Great. He had been guided by Aristotle, making him very accomplished and shrewd. This would get him out In his future for incredible dynamic abilities and a stunning specialist. The past lord, his dad had been killed (wounded in the rib by his previous body monitor), making him tremble with anger and discover this man. This began an entirely different time of war and strategies. With the end goal for Alexander to really become lord, he needed to persevere through numerous troublesome undertakings. He needed to go up against any individual who needed to be the best. This incorporated his sibling, whom he figured out how to beat. That is to say, who might go to extraordinary limits enough to slaughter their own sibling? Alexander turns into the General of Army even before he becomes ruler. In Thebes, he was announced invulnerable. In spite of the fact that he may sound remorseless, he had a delicate side. He would be thoughtful to his military. He would settle on his own choices as well as heard their point of view as well. That is the reason such a significant number of remained close by and didnt leave him despite the fact that they were yearning to return home. He would likewise release a considerable lot of his adversaries. Alexander wasnt excessively simple on the numerous individuals he battled however. One of his first revelations that he would have been not the same as numerous pioneers was the point at which he was twelve. He restrained a pony nobody would ever tame. He called him black-tops. The pony remained close by until the end of time. During war, he makes a destructive mass of lances. He made some extraordinary chariots. He was secured with his good examples shield, the shield of Achilles. In one fight, his cap parts In two. That Is astounding. Definitely he ought to have passed on. Be that as it may, he didnt. Alexander was known In numerous miles of land. He became pharaoh of Egypt. He made a town In numerous spots he went, totaling In ten. Ministers said he was the child of Zeus. He continuously turned into the lord of Asia. He is the most extravagant man known to history (60 million dollars). He vanquished one and a half million square miles. That is inconceivable. He merits the Great for that. The whole time he was scanning for this man named Dairies. He had gotten away from multiple times. Alexander figured out how to at long last Soon after the catch of Dairies, Alexander life would reach a conclusion. He had come back to Persia. He got Malaria. He passed on of an extreme fever at the age of thirty-two or thirty-three. This was an extremely miserable day. Grieving cleared the country. By and large, Alexander the Great merited his name. He resembled no other pioneer. He vanquished a great many miles. He was notable and perceived wherever he voyaged. He set up ten urban communities. He blended a wide range of thoughts. He built up the best domain around then. There are a lot more things he achieved. I am stunned at the work he did. He made more war strategies, procedures, and weapons. He was perhaps the best man ever.
Why Might Zara Fail Essay Sample free essay sample
One of the main grounds why Zara has become an extraordinary planetary dress organization is a direct result of Zara’s laminitis Amancio Ortega Gaonathe’s thought of executing opposite coordinating. a technique for joining both circulation and manufacture. to reduce down expenses and better productivity. Since way propensities are deliberately changing. Zara expected to actualize a methodology that plans. businesses. what's more, conveys dressing stocks quickly and solidly. This idea of actualizing opposite coordinating into its cardinal methodology has made a competitory bit of leeway for Zara. In spite of the fact that Zara keeps on being one of the taking vesture dress organizations in the business. there are varying elements that could loan to its ruin. One of the grounds why Zara has expanded its gross since its establishment is on the grounds that it has effectively globalized its organization without holding to adjust its cardinal qualities. Zara’s regulation and the proper aggregate of representatives to back up every one of its shop areas have permitted Zara to actualize its ain distinction and exchange name into various parts and markets. We will compose a custom paper test on For what reason Might Zara Fail? Paper Sample or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Be that as it may. on the off chance that Zara were to ever adjust its developing plans as opposed to its convictions whereupon the organization was established. Zara would fundamentally disregard. For representation. if Zara somehow managed to run starting from the top rather than the base up. modify its hierarchical development. adjust its way picture. or on the other hand picks non to pay taking care of adjustments in the market. so disappointment would occur. While Zara has been effective in utilizing its exchange name and precept over a collection of states. it has other than had issues come ining into different markets. for example, the Japanese and Chinese markets. in light of their conventional techniques for concern and characterized progress. With the goal for Zara to be fruitful in these business sectors it can’t travel about â€Å"colonizing†the state into obliging Zara’s convention. Zara must oblige to the market that exists in that state lastly slide into introducing its company’s principle. So also. Zara is holding issue come ining the U. S. showcase in light of the fact that. fitting to the example. the U. S. is skilled to retailing overcapacity. is less design forward than Europe. furthermore, requests bigger sizes on standard. Another cardinal issue is the activity of area and existent domain vast. It is extremely difficult to set up shops in the best destinations of the greatest capital metropoliss in light of the fact that the business sectors are truly quick. Since three or four organizations in the business sectors vie for square creeps of existent domain in the significant capitals. new organizations have a troublesome clasp come ining the market. Another threat of disappointment that waits Zara is their failure todevelop a solid gracefully link in the Americas. Zara’s current plan in Europe has given them achievement and capacity to turn. Outside Europe in any case. Zara comes up short on the part of solid inward creation and circulation establishment. bring forthing in little bunches. what's more, introducing in short-lead times in worldwide markets. In add-on. adjustments in remote cash market can other than be a potential hazard. Creation expenses may increment if the Euro gets more grounded against the Dollar. taking to greater expenses of dresss to the finishing up shopper. A last conceivable hazard to Zara’s eating concern is its immediate rivalry. H A ; M. The Gap. what's more, Benetton are generally seeing universal markets to increase their developing possibilities. Rather than Zara’s suspected of keeping up its exchange name predictable across states. H A ; M’s conspire is to come in one global market at a clasp and deliver clothes dependent on the particular country’s gustatory sensations. Since H A ; M has comparative financial qualities and habits to Zara. H A ; M and comparable worldwide dress ventures act like a danger to Zara’s from now on progress.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Structural Factors of China’s Labour Market - 1375 Words
Structural Factors of China's Labour Market (Essay Sample) Content: Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameInstructorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameEconomicsDateStructural factors of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s labour marketChinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s labour market has undergone overwhelming changes over the last few decades. The Chinese Renaissance to the economic powerhouse in the recent past has been credited to some changes in the overall economic perspective of China. The labour market is the actual supply and demand for labour in an economy or region. The state initially adopted the central planning system that derailed actual exponential growth in the country. However, the Communists government has initiated changes in all the facets of the Chinese economy easing barriers to labour markets in the state (Buckley, 2002). The essay evaluates the actual structural changes China has undergone until today to exhaustively support the essayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s argument that the changes have brought success to the state. Some of the structural changes implemented in the state are favourable l egislations, enhancement of labour mobility, change in entrepreneurship patterns, compensation of labour and availability of jobs in the state. The essay evaluates the changing labour trends in global labour markets that are witnessed in China.Mobility of labourPrevious economic systems in China operating under the central planning system discouraged mobility of labour as a factor of production. The system allowed for only rural and urban workers. The rural workers were relatively farmers while the urban workers worked in manufacturing firms owned by the state. However, the Communist government allowed mobility of labour through enhanced skills development in the country. The state explored the opportunities of an export-oriented economy in terms of labour to offset unemployment in the state. The state has in the recent past been involved in the provision of credit for infrastructural development in African countries and actual implementation of the projects in the states. Today, Ch ina is the largest trading partner in Africa, with some firms opening up new outlets in the region. Some of the companies are Huawei, China Bridge and Road Corporation (CBRC) and Foton Motors. The firms have opened up new employment opportunities for Chinese workers in the new frontiers. Interestingly, flights from China to major African cities such as Lagos, Nairobi and Johannesburg have more than tripled in the last five years. The Communists policy change on the mobility of labour has enhanced the burgeoning growth and expansion of the economy (Knight, 2006). However, critics argue that the Chinese policy on mutual trade has more than favoured the state, unlike the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s trading partners. Evidently, trade figures indicate Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s balance of payment between trading partners especially Africa, favouring the Asia powerhouse. However, documented evidence indicates most African Nations are at the infancy stage of development and that accounts for the disproport ionate balance of payments (Rosenthal, 2003). Developing nations consume more capital goods to grow and expand economies.EntrepreneurshipThe central planning system denied citizens rights to establish businesses as the economy was more state-owned. Many manufacturing firms in the urban regions were state owned. However, the inefficiencies associated with state control of the economy and increased unemployment resulted to changes in the policy. Furthermore, previous hunger strikes in the nation killed more than 20 million citizens due to the inefficiency associated with the production of food at the village level. Therefore, the state allowed for citizen entrepreneurship that sparked production, labour demand and income generation for the economy. The population in the nation as exponentially increasing and the workers were yearning for jobs. The Communist government established an economic policy to enhance production to meet local and local demand. Therefore, the state established incentives for the agricultural sector by allowing household production and government incentives. The reforms enhanced household production, increased business opportunities, reduced rural-urban migration and increased incomes for the workers. Today, Chinese workers are estimated to receive 5.5 times income more than the US and the European Union (EU) workers. The state is credited to have among the most billionaires in the Asian region and higher income levels for the workers. Evidently, the largest markets for goods such as mobile phones in the world are China, owing to the enormous population and higher disposable incomes. Apple, the world largest mobile phone company by capitalization, accounts for over 25% of mobile phone sales to China. However, critics argue that the increased levels of entrepreneurship have resulted to worse working conditions for the workers. Interestingly, the labour market is among the most controlled markets in China with stiff penalties imposed by the state on unlawful practices. The state has implemented stringent laws against the vice.Workers compensationThe central planning system focused more on price stability across all facets of the economy thus enhancing rigid prices in all sectors. The system allowed for the determination of prices of goods and services in the economy to reduce the vagaries of price fluctuation. Therefore, the system allowed for rigid wages for the workers. Moreover, the systems policy on non-dismissal of workers reduced productivity. Furthermore, workers were poorly motivated. The system allowed for unequal income distribution among workers in the state. The conditions enhanced unequal standards of living for different workers in the economy. Also, agitation by workers for better pay and working conditions forced the state to rethink the compensation policy for the workers. Therefore, the state instituted regulations on minimum pay, minimum working timelines and minimum working conditions for the workin g population. Moreover, the state invested in education to enhance a large of pool of skilled workers to propel the state. Consequently, higher numbers of skilled workers allowed the nation to industrialise technically and achieve industrialised state status (Sapir, 2006). Chinese workers receive more than US $435 annually than US workers cumulatively. Critics have argued that the large difference in cumulative earnings unlike workers elsewhere is as a result of the large worker base in the nation. Also, the states control over the segment offers little room for workers to voice for worker concerns and welfare. However, evidence on the living standards and higher purchasing power exhibited by the Chinese workers offers a different picture altogether.State policiesThe Communist government established that an export-oriented economy would enhance job and wealth creation for the state. The state focused more on increased production for export markets and enough supply in the local mar ket. The state has in the recent past reduced barriers to trade, enhanced lower wages regime than other nations, enhanced infrastructure to support industries and established incentives to attract foreign direct investments. Prior to the change of state policy, the previous plan allowed for meeting local production to reduce the vagaries of fluctuating prices. Ini...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How Can Students Do TDA Prompt Essay Writing With Scores?
How Can Students Do TDA Prompt Essay Writing With Scores?If you are looking for samples of students to write your paper for TDA Prompt Essay Writing with Scores then you have come to the right place. TDA is one of the few agencies that can help you. This is because they have experienced teachers who are experts in these topics.There are only a handful of other agencies that can help you like TDA does. These agencies do not only teach writing; they also offer the resources to you that you will need. They have got your files and they will give you help in making it easy for you to write the tests you are going to take. They also have resources that will help you as well as the students writing your test.However, before you begin to contact these agencies, you need to check with the teacher's association or group in your town, because these are very important to them. You have to ensure that your teacher is an active member and has been certified by the organization that you belong to.S o, if you have ever seen the TDA logo on the TDA website, you can be assured that you have been connected with an agency that can help you. The most important point is that you have a good relationship with your teacher.So, if your teacher is an active member of this organization, you can be sure that he/she will be able to guide you through the writing process and your score would come out as good as it can. There are no limits to the number of tests you can take, but there are limits to how much writing you can do. For example, you cannot just cram the whole test and write as much as you can.Good writing must be so that the test writer can easily understand the questions you will be asked. The first thing to look for when you have this sort of problem is to check with your school guidance counselor. Then, you can make arrangements to see your test reading.In the past, they used to send a letter to the school guidance counselor. This is now illegal. The only way is to make arrangem ents to see the test reading.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Personal Note On Success And Success - 845 Words
Everyone want to be successful, however everyone is different and has a different version of success. To be successful to me would mean, standing right with God, having no more worries and also seeing all my loved ones happy (God and family). Although throughout life there is pretty much a guarantee of obstacles to keep one from being successful. For example a job, having no money, negativity, getting off track, envying of others, no confidence or perseverance, this list could go on forever, however I have a few strategies to keep me successful and not stuck in devilish obstacles. One strategy to stay successful, is maintaining a proper balance in life, time management is key for my success. A second strategy is the having the right people surrounding me, there are some people that can drag me down and keep me from staying on track on my positive path to success. Another strategy is having perseverance and staying determined on my goals because my goals will lead me to my success. For reaching success I need to realistically time manage my to do list, which means taking the time to write everything out that needs to be done and think how long all those things will take me. Writing things down and giving me a time limit helps me successful with work and school ant those two are key pieces for me to reach my goal. Having my time balanced for my to-do list at work allows me to successfully finish my duties that my boss leaves me. For examples I am a beauty advisor and if IShow MoreRelatedIncreasing Student Success And Retention1557 Words  | 7 PagesGeneral topic: Increasing Student Success and Retention Title of article: Increasing Student Success and Retention: A Multidimensional Approach Fowler, P. R. Boylan H. R. (2010). Increasing Student Success and Retention: A Multidimensional Approach. Journal of Developmental Education, 34 (2), 2-10. Guiding questions and concepts Note your responses in this column Summary What was the article about in your words (evaluate abstract when initially reading for this information)? †¢ Nature of paper:Read MoreGraduate Study Challenges and Strategies and Strategies for Personal Success1009 Words  | 5 PagesChallenges and Strategies for Personal Success University of Phoenix Introduction to Graduate Studies in Health Science / Nursing HCS/504 03/3/2014 Instructor: Michelle Dorin By Gwendoria Buckles Graduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Personal Success Keeping your eyes on your personal goals and professional goals is key to staying focused and obtaining them in a timely fashion. Knowing your personal goals and balancing your personal life is a challenge, butRead MoreSummary : Columbus Regional Health1439 Words  | 6 Pagesnumerous patients were unable to afford the ordered medicines. The psychiatrist prescribed one particular patient Abilify. Even with health insurance coverage, the person would have to pay $800 for a 30-day supply (N. Gagnon, personal communication, March 23, 2015). Gagnon (personal communication, March 23, 2015) investigated and compiled available resources to decrease the cost of patients’ medications. The Unit Practice Council (UPC) members approved the change. Since January 1, 2015, the nurses areRead MoreGender Differences Between Work And Life1026 Words  | 5 PagesIn Manage your work, manage your life, Groysberg and Abrahams use research and survey data to show gender differences on how success is viewed. There were some similarities and obvious gender differences in answers. On another note the article by Stewart Friedman, Work + home + community + self, the main focus is on three key principles to focus on to be better at integration between work and life. Each article’s content can be a guide in career planning and to help with one’s professional developmentRead MoreSocial Cognitive Theory1628 Words  | 7 Pagescan be models include academics, aggression, and interpersonal behaviors. Self-efficacy is the belief that students can perform successfully and has many factors, including success and failures of themselves, others, and the whole, as well as physiological states and messages (Omrod, 2016, p.131-132). Self-regulation is personal agency with control in life. Elements include â€Å"setting standards and goals, self-observation, self-evaluation, self-reaction, and self-reflection†(Omrod, 2016, p.134-135)Read MoreThe Position Of Ceo Of An Established Organization959 Words  | 4 Pagesguarantee to the best work positions, but that is not always the case. Reaching the heights of success is a culmination of efforts, continuous search for excellence through learning, discipline, and persistence. While academic excellence is an important component of success, particularly regarding acquiring relevant knowledge and skill, it is also important to realize that education alone does not guarantee success. Moving from being an information management officer to become the CEO of a top systems managementRead MoreOnline Classes : A Successful Learning Environment1123 Words  | 5 Pages banking, vacation planning, tax returns, even entire schools are online. Many may have seen the television commercials for The University of Phoenix, and other rising colleges, talking about success rate and overall student happiness with online courses. With that being said, many may question the success of online classes by questioning the â€Å"lack of discipline and motivation†, or one might think it is a piece of cake. However despite the doubt and degrading, popularity of online classes is growingRead MoreCollege Is A Unique Experience Essay1386 Words  | 6 Pageseffective notes, studying, utilizing campus resources and having hope.             The first step is to learn to manage your time. A good place to start is to keep track of how you use your time. Pick up several weekly schedules and do some planning. You’ll discover, among other things, that if you get seven hours of sleep a night, you have 119 hours per week to do everything you need to do. That, of course, includes going to class, eating, athletic events, social activities, personal hygiene, studyingRead MoreStrategies for Math and Note Taking649 Words  | 3 PagesBianca Fields Miss Dibble SDS101 9 November 2015 Strategies for Math and Note Taking I believe Math is learned by doing the problems and doing the homework. The problems help you learn the formulas you need to know, to help with problem solving. I have learned from my own personal experience that you must keep up with the Instructor: attend class, read the text and do homework every day. Falling a day behind puts you at a disadvantage. Falling a week behind puts you in deep trouble. I haveRead MoreWhy Strategies For Learning Success1486 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction As the author of this paper I, Ashiane Odoms, I would like to present my opinion on why Strategies for Learning Success (SLS) introduction to college is important in postsecondary education. SLS will teach you to become more familiar with the concept of college and how to adapt to the adult setting. SLS shows you academic strategies such as making use of your time, taking notes, set attainable goals, and etc. SLS also help you learn about yourself by helping you discover your learning styles
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Being a Human in the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, humans are created by the World State. Also they are conditioned human souls to have a synthetic, dream-like life. In the World State, people are happy. Almost everything is thought of for the World State citizens, and people perform their duties with no complaint since they are designed to fit their job and their social status. From birth or hatching, till they become active in society, all citizens goes through psychological and chemical processing, where many follow the beliefs provided by the World State controllers. Even though the World State citizens are driven to obey their instinctual feelings, which are enforced by the state controllers, people are still cannot escape by their natural human instincts since science is not enough to control the complete society. In this society children are thought to believe and feel whatever the government wants them to believe. In Chapter two begins in Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Room where the Director of Hatching Centre explains to the student about process of children conditioned stimulus. Infants instinctually condition to dislike books, and flowers by getting electric shock after they seen them. The Director of Hatching Center is clearly indicating that feelings are controlled by the conditioning center by using â€Å"sleep-teaching†and â€Å"hypnopà ¦dia†technique (Huxley 25). Another method of controlling human emotions is to give them drug called â€Å"Soma†(55). Soma keeps everybody in line for theShow MoreRelatedA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1684 Words  | 7 PagesA perfect society is always an ideal dream of the human mind. Peace, love, and education are intertwining parts of a perfect society or, a utopia. This idea is not always the case in an imperfect world and is usually only a hopeful dream. These types of worlds can greatly be described in detail through the world of science fiction. Aldous Huxley was an English writer who lived during a time when war and chaos were engulfing the world. His works reflect his view and thoughts on a dystopia, whichRead MoreAldous Huxley s Brave New World1334 Words  | 6 Pageso read Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is to understand the fear for the future during the 1930’s. Widely considered ahead of its time, Brave New World is one of the most influential novels regarding the destructive outcome of genetic and public manipulation through regime control. The story contrasts two worlds: the traditional world where the â€Å"savages†reside and the new World State: a negative utopia where unrestrained sexual freedom, reproductive technology, and mind numbing drugs run rampantRead MoreAldous Huxley : Accomplished Literary Figure1432 Words  | 6 PagesAldous Huxley:Accomp lished Literary Figure â€Å"If one s different, one’s bound to be lonely†-Huxley How the public collectively interacts has been a worldwide subject striking the interest of many. Born in Surrey England, Aldous Huxley was a prominent philosopher who prophesied of a future society and wrote many of the classic novels. He tried his hand in poems, plays,travel works,novels and essays. Aldous Huxley’s best known novel, Brave New World meticulously emphasizes on social topics(Aldous HuxleyRead More The Application of Utopia in Brave New World Essay1190 Words  | 5 PagesApplication of Utopia in Brave New World    Aldous Huxleys Brave New World illustrates the loss of morality when established standards are replaced by amoral criteria. In his novel, Huxley criticizes the practical applications of Utopia in actual society. Huxleys depiction of love, science, and religion support the ineffectiveness of implementing Utopia in everyday life.       In Brave New World, Huxley shows contempt for the human emotion of love. TheRead MoreBrave New World Essay1091 Words  | 5 PagesA smart, scholarly and skillful author named Aldous Huxley once said â€Å"Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards†. The advancement, improvement and the wrong use of technology has affected the world in a really negative way. When technology first started to improve and become more advanced was during the WW1 and WW2, which caused the most destructive wars in human history. For example the wrong use of technology led the Americans to produce one ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Aldous Huxley s Brave New World1420 Words  | 6 PagesMarch 27, 2015 Dystopia Humans have always craved and strived for perfection in all aspects of life. Perfection is defined as â€Å"the highest degree of proficiency, skill or excellence as in some art†according to the Collins English Dictionary(perfection). Many people believe that an excessive effort to become perfect can be counteractive and lead to dysfunctionality. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, characters live in a dystopian society that sprouted from the human yearning for perfection. AlthoughRead MoreBrave New World- Literary Analysis Essay924 Words  | 4 PagesA look into Brave New World Many times there is an underlying topic to a novel and what it truly means. For Brave New World, there are many underlying ideas as to the makeup of Aldous Huxley’s novel. For example, themes like science, sex, power, freedom and confinement, drugs and alcohol, society and class, and dissatisfaction as different themes that Huxley produces in the novel. Also there could be many symbols in the novel including, bottles and Ford. Not only are these themes and symbols throughoutRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley664 Words  | 3 Pagestime, 83 years ago. How humans are getting cloned for having diseases, how women were having sex with so many men without them being known as tramps, how people walk the earth with no regrets but now people live and regret. In 1931, people was getting cloned for having diseases, but as time changed its illegal now diseases can be cured. But for the fact being in the future and in the past time has changed and many differences were made. In his Dystopian Society Huxley portrays masses of nichesRead MoreTotalitarianism in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell1270 Words  | 5 Pagesis type of government in which a single person rules. Aldous Huxley and George Orwell are famous authors who opposed totalitarianism, and through their philosophical ideals, attempted to inform people of the dangers faced by society under this restricting system, where people are inhibited from holding any sort of authority. George Orwell, in 1984, discusses concerns relating to big government and big brother and Aldous Huxley, in Brave New World, discusses predatory markets impinging on our personalRead MoreThe Conscious Is At Target1299 Words  | 6 PagesThe Conscious is at Target Brave New World, an eye opening novel for our times. The importance of human conscious is essential to keep our freedom. As â€Å"Brave New World†Aldous Huxley novel a great work which brought every reader to ask to oneself if it will be possible to have that world in our proximity. The novel is so real that you can almost agree that in this writing Huxley had a prediction. His novel in my point of view can differ from many other critiques and I believe it goes hand in hand
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1567 Words
Racism has been a hot subject for many years. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, it is the central theme of the novel. When Atticus Finch is asked by Judge Taylor, to defend Tom Robinson, a black man, Atticus accepts and defends Tom to the full extent of the law. Atticus even makes the plaintiff, Mayella Ewell, question how the incident involving herself and Tom Robinson, actually happened. Nevertheless, when Atticus made the case proving that Tom Robinson did not commit the crime he was accused of, a jury of white men all ruled that he was guilty. Furthermore, what does this say about the jury, the defendant, the plaintiff, and the lawyers involved in the trial? Did the jury decide guilty because of the information provided by the lawyers or was it because of the color of Tom Robinson’s skin? When Mayella Ewell is questioned by Atticus Finch during the trial, her story changes several times during the questioning. When Atticus questions Mayella about the night Tom Robinson supposedly beat and raped her, she contradicts herself on multiple occasions. Atticus states when he is questioning her â€Å"You seem sure enough that he choked you. All this time you were fighting back, remember? You kicked and hollered as loud as you could.’ Do you remember him beating you about the face?†(Pg 185). Mayella ponders the statement and then admits that she really couldn’t remember being beaten around the face, but quickly changes to yes, yes Tom Robinson had hit her. Mayella changes herShow MoreRelatedKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1049 Words  | 5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird: How a Story could be based on True Events in Everyday LifeDaisy GaskinsCoastal Pines Technical Collegeâ€Æ'Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama. Her father was a former newspaper editor and proprietor, who had served as a state senator and practiced as a lawyer in Monroeville. Also Finch was known as the maiden name of Lee’s mother. With that being said Harper Lee became a writer like her father, but she became a American writer, famous for her race relations novel â€Å"ToRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee1000 Words  | 4 Pagesworld-wide recognition to the many faces of prejudice is an accomplishment of its own. Author Harper Lee has had the honor to accomplish just that through her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, a moving and inspirational story about a young girl learning the difference between the good and the bad of the world. In the small town of Monroeville, Alabama, Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926. Growing up, Harper Lee had three siblings: two sisters and an older brother. She and her siblings grew up modestlyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1290 Words  | 6 PagesHarper Lee published To Kill a Mockingbird during a rough period in American history, also known as the Civil Rights Movement. This plot dives into the social issues faced by African-Americans in the south, like T om Robinson. Lee felt that the unfair treatment towards blacks were persistent, not coming to an end any time in the foreseeable future. This dark movement drove her to publish this novel hopeful that it would encourage the society to realize that the harsh racism must stop. Lee effectivelyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee873 Words  | 4 PagesIn the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates that â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird†throughout the novel by writing innocent characters that have been harmed by evil. Tom Robinson’s persecution is a symbol for the death of a mockingbird. The hunters shooting the bird would in this case be the Maycomb County folk. Lee sets the time in the story in the early 1950s, when the Great Depression was going on and there was poverty everywhere. The mindset of people back then was that blackRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee963 Words  | 4 Pagesgrowing up, when older characters give advice to children or siblings.Growing up is used frequently in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Harper Lee uses the theme growing up in To Kill a Mockingbird to change characters opinion, develop characters through their world, and utilizes prejudice to reveal growing up. One major cause growing up is used in To Kill a Mockingbird is to represent a change of opinion. One part growing up was shown in is through the trial in part two of the novelRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1052 Words  | 5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in Maycomb County, Alabama in the late 30s early 40s , after the great depression when poverty and unemployment were widespread throughout the United States. Why is the preconception of racism, discrimination, and antagonism so highly related to some of the characters in this book? People often have a preconceived idea or are biased about one’s decision to live, dress, or talk. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee examines the preconceptionRead MoreHarper Lee and to Kill a Mockingbird931 Words  | 4 PagesHarper Lee and her Works Harper Lee knew first hand about the life in the south in the 1930s. She was born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 (Castleman 2). Harper Lee was described by one of her friends as Queen of the Tomboys (Castleman 3). Scout Finch, the main character of Lees Novel, To Kill a Mockinbird, was also a tomboy. Many aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird are autobiographical (Castleman 3). Harper Lees parents were Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. She was the youngestRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1695 Words  | 7 PagesIn To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee presents as a ‘tired old town’ where the inhabitants have ‘nowhere to go’ it is set in the 1930s when prejudices and racism were at a peak. Lee uses Maycomb town to highlight prejudices, racism, poverty and social inequality. In chapter 2 Lee presents the town of Maycomb to be poverty stricken, emphasised through the characterisation of Walter Cunningham. When it is discovered he has no lunch on the first day of school, Scout tries to explain the situation to MissRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1876 Words  | 8 PagesThough Harper Lee only published two novels, her accomplishments are abundant. Throughout her career Lee claimed: the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Goodreads Choice Awards Best Fiction, and Quill Award for Audio Book. Lee was also inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. This honor society is a huge accomplishment and is considered the highest recognition for artistic talent and accomplishment in the United States. Along with these accomplishments, herRead MoreKill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee1197 Words  | 5 Pagessuch as crops, houses, and land, and money was awfully limited. These conflicts construct Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, Lee establishes the concurrence of good and evil, meaning whether people are naturally good or naturally evil. Lee uses symbolism, characterization, and plot to portray the instinctive of good and evil. To Kill a Mocking Bird, a novel by Harper Lee takes place during the 1930s in the Southern United States. The protagonist, Scout Finch,
The New England Women s Gender Roles - 950 Words
1.Historian Nancy Scott focuses on the New England women’s gender roles. A two-fold role, Domesticity and Feminism. A paradox in â€Å"progress†of women’s history in the United States of 1830’s. â€Å"New England women in 1835 endured subordination to men in marriage and society, profound disadvantage in education and in the economy, denial of access to official power in the churches that they populated, and virtual impotence in politics. A married woman had no legal existence apart from her husband’s†. Women had no voting and inheritance rights. Widows and single women with property had to submit to taxation without being represented. In economy they had second-class position. Those who worked earned one-fourth to one-half to men for†¦show more content†¦It also contained within itself the preconditions for organized feminism, by allotting a â€Å"separate†sphere for women and engendering sisterhood within that spher e. It assigned women a â€Å"vocation†, comparable to men’s vocation’s, but also implying in woman’s case, a unique sexual solidarity†. 2.The ideology of southern women’s domesticity developed both out of social and economic changes of late eighteenth century and the first twenty-five years of the nineteenth centuries. White middle-class Americans lives got complex with economic diversity. Men took jobs into factories and businesses, away from homes into new developing cities of the North. This robbed southern women of work like weaving, spinning, make candle, wax and soap etc. From producer they became consumer. They were to create an uplifting home environment for their husband’s return. â€Å"A Cardinal tenet of the ideology of domesticity and what made it attractive to so many white middle-class women held that women were morally superior to men. The ideology of domesticity articulated in the south confirmed for white southerners their regional superiority and the virtues of their racial beliefs and Institutions. This ideology also helped them to articulate the characteristics of the ideal woman†. (Source-2) Southern writer’s repeatedly told women how to behave to guarantee a happy marriage. Women were expected to be not only good wives but also responsible for turning their husbands
College Persuasive Essay Example For Students
College Persuasive Essay College! Why is it such a big deal to go right in to collage! I understand, however I just dont know what I want to do yet. I know I want to do something that has to do with criminal justice. As in the FBI. I just think that would be so cool. It would make me happy and Ill get paid O.K. My plans were to graduate, then stay with my mom for a year and just work 2 jobs, maybe take a class at U.A.A. So, I can keep with the whole study thing. Oh, and I would go into the Air Guard also. They really help with collage. Then a friend and me would get an apartment and split the rent. I would then go to U.A.A for 2 years and after that I would transfer to the University of my Choice. I got all of these ideas from my sister. I look up to my sister a lot. I learn from her experiences. She never took her SATs and she did really badly in high school. But, when she went to U.A.A she got really good grades then she transferred over to N.Y.U. Its the 3rd hardest college to get into for her field! So, you know if she can do it so can I. My father on the other hand! He thinks I should go to Grays Harbor Community College. And if I do, then I can live with him and he will pay for my BOOKS! If you dont know, Grays Harbor is a really bad college, it is worse then U.A.A. Even if I wanted to go, my mom wouldnt let me! I mean come on; he will help me pay for my BOOKS thats a real help. I remember one day I was in the truck with my dad and we were talking about colleges and he said you cant go to a good college like your sister, you just cant. Youre not like her. And, Im sure as hell Im not going to pay that much! I told him I dont expect him to pay for anything. My sister went through college without her dads help, so I can do it to. Every time I try and talk to him about the university that Im interested in or when I tell him I want to be in the law or psychology field, he just changes the subject! He makes me so mad. Also, whenever I bring up any thing to do with collage he gives me this huge big guilt trip! Mom on the other hand, she gives me space to think of what I want. She is happy if Im happy. I know I will go to college no mater what. I know I might have to pay for college my self and thats fine by me! I dont need my dads help. My mom on the other hand, helped Eva as much as she could. Evas school cost $34,000 a year and thats what my mom makes in a yea r. So you do the math. I learned from my sister! Loans, grants, scholarships, apply for ALL of them! Even the little scholarships. They ALL add up. My counselor makes me feel like I have to go strait into my university right after I graduate. She really wants me to take my SATs. I guess I will, but if I do, then Im going to take them as many times as I can. I want to be able to choose the best score and if there good enough then I will send them to colleges. My mom says I dont have to take them and that makes me feel a little better. Im just really worried that Im not going to do well. I like my SAT class. I really do. The part that I like the most is the tests that tell me what I would be good at. It reassures me. But thats all I really like about it. Other than that I feel like Im being rushed. Like I need to be in a big hurry. .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c , .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .postImageUrl , .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c , .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c:hover , .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c:visited , .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c:active { border:0!important; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c:active , .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8b7614f86e7b82a7e6727d1bd0bcbe2c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bread Givers EssayIm really in no rush to graduate. I know that sounds really weird but hay its a free education. I have been here since I was in 7th grade. I feel really comfortable here! For a long time all I could think about was getting out of high school. Now all I think about are the things Im going to miss. In college theres not going to be a lounge were all of you friend are going to be siting and conversing. A place where you can find out all the latest news. There isnt going to be any thing like that. What I really hope is that there is going to be a good teacher that I can talk to. That is one thing I really like about Steller. If you have a problem, the teacher and your counselor are going to listen. They really care. Im afraid that at my university there just not going to have time for me.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
CCH Australia Limited
Question: Discuss about the CCH Australia Limited. Answer: Introduction: Residential status for income tax purpose implies the country of which the taxpayer would be deemed to be resident for computing the taxable income of a particular financial year. The residential status for tax purposes is a crucial aspect because the determination of the taxable income depends upon the residential status of the taxpayer (Income Tax management, 2016). In other words, it could be said that the incidence of tax is determined according to the residential status of the taxpayer. The government of Australia prescribes the rules and regulations to determine the residential status of the taxpayers (Prince, 2013). The important thing about the residential status that one should keep in mind is that it is determined for each financial year separately. Thus, a person who is resident of Australia for one financial year may not be so for another financial year. Further, it is also to be noted that the residential status as per taxation rules is not linked with the citizenship, w hich means that a person, who is not a citizen of Australia may be resident of Australia for tax purposes (Prince, 2013). The Income Tax Assessment Act (ITAA) 1936 of Australia contains the crucial provisions and rules that guide in determining the residential status of a taxpayer. In Australia, the taxation ruling 98/17 describes the procedure to determine the tax residency status of individuals coming to Australia Taxation (Ruling TR 98/17, 2016). Further, section 6 of ITAA 1936 provides the conceptual foundation to the taxation authorities so as to enable them to formulate rules and regulations in regard to determine the residential status (Commonwealth Consolidated Acts, 2016). In addition to this, the judicial pronouncements made by the courts are also referred to resolve the critical issues coming across in determining the residential status. As per the Australian taxation regime, an individual is tested for residential purpose basically on two parameters such as domicile and period of stay. These are formally known as domicile test and 183 days test, additionally, there is another test of residency known as superannuation test (Ruling TR 98/17, 2016). As per domicile test, the people ordinarily residing in Australia are automatically declared as resident for tax purpose. Thus, the people ordinarily residing in Australia do not need to satisfy any other condition to be declared as resident. The 183 days test is based on the period of stay of the individuals entering Australia from other countries. Thus, as per this test, if the individuals coming from other country stay in Australia for a period of 183 days or more, he/she may be regarded as resident of Australia. The third test of residency that is the superannuation test prescribes explicitly that the Australian government employees, who have been posted outside Austral ia, will automatically be deemed as resident (Ruling TR 98/17, 2016). However, in regard to the above discussed tests of residency, it is essential to bear in mind that none of these tests is decisive in itself. This implies that the residential status of an individual can not be determined based on any one of the tests of residency, rather, all the tests to be considered along with the other conditions such as behavior of the individual. The behavior of individual during the stay in Australia is of immense importance in determining the residential status (Ruling TR 98/17, 2016). There are some crucial facts and circumstances that are to be considered in evaluating the behavior of an individual to adjudge whether that individual is a resident or not. Those facts and circumstances include but are not limited to intention and purpose of stay, family, business and employment. Moreover, the maintenance and location of the assets of the concerned individual are also to be given consideration in deciding the residential status. Further, the authorities can a lso give regard to the social and living arrangements of the concerned individual for such purposes (Ruling TR 98/17, 2016). Referring to the context developed above and the other applicable provisions of the ITAA 1936, the residential status of Juliette for the financial year 2014-15 and 2015-16 has been determined as under: Residential Status of Juliette for the Income Year 2014-15 Juliette, ordinarily residing in the UK, has been approached by an Australian management company for performing a role of choreographer in a dance show. For this purpose, Juliette has entered into a contract of two years with the Australian management company. As Juliette is not ordinarily residing in Australia, thus, the domicile test of residency is not applicable to her. Further, the superannuation test of residency also does not apply in case of Juliette as she is not an employee of the Australian government. In this situation, the residential status of Juliette is to be determined by applying the 183 days test. For this purpose, month wise computation of the days of stay of Juliette for the financial year 2014-15 is given as under: Financial Year: 2014-15 Month Feb Mar April May June Total Days 28 0 0 31 30 89 The total period of stay of Juliette for the financial year 2014-15 comes to 89 days, which is lower than the statutory requirement of 183 days. However, from the rigorous reading of the rules and provisions in regard to residential status, it has been observed that an individual coming to Australia may be regarded as resident even if the period of stay is less than 183 days in a particular financial year (Exfin, 2016). For this purpose, it is crucial to consider the behavior and the intention of the person to migrate to Australia to live permanently. However, in income year 2014-15, there has not been observed any of the circumstances that indicate the intention of Juliette to migrate to Australia to live permanently. Therefore, considering the fact that the period of stay of Juliette is less than 183 days and that no intention to live permanently exists, it has been articulated that Juliette is not resident of Australia for income tax purposes for the financial year 2014-15. Residential Status of Juliette for the Income Year 2015-16 The computation of the number of days for the Income year 2015-16 in respect of Juliette is shown below: Income Year: 2015-16 Month July August Sep Oct April May June Total Days 31 31 30 16 16 31 30 185 It can be observed that Juliette stayed for a period of 185 days in Australia in the income year 2015-16, which is greater than the statutory limit of 183 days. Further, she came back in Australia in April with the intention to live permanently with her husband. Therefore, considering these facts, Juliette should be deemed as resident of Australia for the income year 2015-16 (PWC, 2016). Rental Property Statement Amount ($) A. Rental Income 13,900.00 B. Less: Rental Deductions Agent Commission 695.00 Replacing the damaged fibro roof with longer lasting colorbond Nil General repairs and maintenance 6,000.00 Repainting the front fence which consists of painted wooden pickets 2,500.00 Fixing the broken front door which was damaged by vandals 1,000.00 Total 10,195.00 C. Less: Deduction for Decline in the Value of Assets Stove ($900/12) 75.00 Hot water service ($2000/12) 166.67 Carpets (3500/10) 350.00 Furniture and fittings (5000/13.33)+(1200/13.33*.5) 420.23 Total 1,011.90 D. Capital works deduction Replacing the damaged fibro roof with longer lasting colorbond ($15000*2.5%*0.50) 187.50 Net Rental Income or Loss (A-B-C-D) 2,505.60 The rental property statement shown in the requirement Q2 (a) above depicts that the net rental income of the tax payer is $2,505.60, which implies that the taxpayer would have to pay the taxes on this income (Australian Taxation Office, 2016). Rental property statement is basically divided into three parts such as rental income, rental expenses, and deduction for the decline in the value of assets and capital works deductions. Rental income is the amount of rent received by the owner from the tenants in compensation of the use of such property. Further, the rental income also includes the other indirect incomes that accrue to the owner in connection with letting out the property such as advertisement income. In the present case, the rental income only comprises the rent received by the owner from the tenants, which amounts to $13,900.00 for the entire financial year 2015-16. The next part of the rental property statement is the rental expense. The rental expenses are further sub-divided into three parts such as expenses allowable in the same year, expenses allowable in the form of deduction for decline in the value of assets over the number of years, and the expenses not allowable at all. The expenses that are allowable in the year of incurrence includes the expenses of revenue natures related directly to the property, for example, repair and maintenance, advertisement, agents commission, cleaning, insurance, and property taxes (Australian Taxation Office, 2016). In order to claim these expenses, it is to be ensured that these expenses are borne by the owner and related directly to the letting business. Further, in respect of repair and maintenance expense, it should be ensured that these are not of capital nature. In case the repairs are of capital nature, these are to be capitalized and allowed over the number of years in the form of capital works deductions (Australian Taxation Office, 2016). In the present case, expense on general repairs, repainting the front fence, and fixing the broken door have been claimed immediately. However, the expense on replacing the damaged fibro roof has been considered to be of capital nature because this expense is expected to benefit for many years. As per the rental property guidelines issued by the Australian Taxation Office, the expenses incurred on building constructions and major repairs to the buildings are allowed as deduction for capital works at the rate of 2.5% or 4%. The rate of 4% is applied to the specified rental properties such industrial units and commercial complexes, while, for others the deduction can be claimed at the rate of 2.5% (Australian Taxation Office, 2016). Thus, an amount of $15,000 incurred on replacing the damaged fibro roof has been capitalized and claimed as capital works deductions at the rate of 2.5% considering that the property does not fall under the specified categories eligible for higher deduction of 4%. Further, this deduction is allowable proportionately if the constructed or repaired property was used not for full year. In the current case, the replacement of roof was made in December 2015, thus, only 50% of the deduction has been claimed. Further, apart from the cost of acquisition, there some other expenses, which are also not allowed to be deducted from the rental income. These expenses include expenses not actually incurred by the owner of the property, for example, tenants may bear the expenses of water and electricity use. In addition to this, the expenses of personal nature, which have no nexus with the rental income, are also not allowed as deduction. The expenses incurred by the owner before buying the property such as inspection of the property and travelling costs are also not allowed (Australian Taxation Office, 2016). Therefore, while computing the rental income changeable to tax, it should be kept in mind by the taxpayer that the above discussed expenses are not deducted. Another category of rental expenses is the deduction in the form of decline in the value of depreciable assets (Australian Taxation Office, 2016). These are the expenses such as purchase of furniture and fittings, carpets, water service machine, and other assets that are used by the tenants along with the use of building. The deduction for decline in the value of assets is allowed either on prime cost or diminishing value method (Australian Taxation Office, 2016). In the present case, the owner has applied prime cost method in computing the decline in the value of assets. The total value claimed as decline in the value of assets amounts to $1011.90, which comprises of $75 on stove, $166.67 on hot water service, $350 on carpets, and $420.23 on furniture and fittings. In this regard, it is important to note that the deduction is allowed in proportion to the days that asset is held by the owner in the subjected income year (Australian Taxation Office, 2016). Therefore, the deduction on the additions amounting to $1200 made to the furniture and fittings in the month of December 2015 have been allowed to the extent of 50 percent only. In determining the deduction for decline in the value of assets, it is crucial that the effective life of assets estimated correctly (CCH Australia Limited, 2011). The Australian Taxation Office has framed general guidelines to assist the taxpayers in determination of the effective life of the assets. As per these guidelines, in determination of the effective life of an asset, the considerations are to be given to the wear and tear of the asset. The expected quantum wear and tear of the asset will be a decisive factor in estimating the effective life. In this connection, it is assumed that the asset will be maintained properly and it will be kept in a good condition over the number of years (CCH Australia Limited, 2011). In regard to the rental income, certain other facts are also crucial to remember, for example, co-ownership of rental property. In case of co-ownership of rental property, the income and expense gets divided having regard to the legal interest of each co-owner (Compton, 2012). The guidelines framed by the Australian Taxation office in regard to apportionment of the income and expense in case of co-ownership overrides any private agreement between the co-owners. Thus, even if the co-owners agree on some other ratio to proportionate the income and expense, the apportionment will be made only on the basis of legal interest in the property (Compton, 2012). References Australian Taxation Office. (2016). Deduction for decline in value of depreciating assets. Retrieved August 12, 2016, from deductions/in-detail/investments,-including-rental-properties/rental-property-expenses/?page=3#Deduction_for_decline_in_value_of_depreciating_assets. Australian Taxation Office. (2016). Expenses you can claim. Retrieved August 12, 2016, from Australian Taxation Office. (2016). Guide for rental property owners. Retrieved August 12, 2016, from Australian Taxation Office. (2016). Income tax: residency status of individuals entering Australia: Ruling TR 98/17. Retrieved August 11, 2016, from Australian Taxation Office. (2016). Rental Property Expense. Retrieved August 12, 2016, from,-including-rental-properties/rental-property-expenses/?page=3. Australian Taxation Office. (2016). Worksheet. Retrieved August 12, 2016, from CCH Australia Limited. (2011). Australian master tax guide 2011. CCH Australia Limited. Commonwealth Consolidated Acts. (2016). Income tax assessment act 1936 - sect 6. Retrieved August 11, 2016, from Compton, T. (2012). Rental property and taxation: an Australian investor's guide. John Wiley Sons. Exfin. (2016). Australian tax residency guidelines. Retrieved August 11, 2016, from Income Tax management. (2016). Introduction and meaning of residential status under the income tax. Retrieved August 11, 2016, from Prince, J.B. (2013). Tax for Australians for dummies. John Wiley Sons. PWC. (2016). Taxation of International Assignees Country Australia. Retrieved August 11, 2016, from
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Internet Addiction an Escape from Reality Essay Example
Internet Addiction: an Escape from Reality Essay Internet Addiction: An Escape from Reality With the creation of an online world comes the creation of new problems. The great network system known as the Internet has allowed for huge advances in the world, while creating very serious issues as well. Perhaps one of the most common of these negative issues is Internet Addiction Disorder, or IAD. Doctors Aviv Weinstein and Michel Lejoyeux define Internet addiction as being â€Å"characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges or behaviors regarding Internet use that lead to impairment or distress (Weinstein Lejoyeux, 2010). One of the reasons this disorder is so prevalent, is the fact that it encompasses a large number of online activities which can lead to it. For example, one of the most common causes of this disorder is pornography addiction. This can often lead to other problems, such as negative marital relationships or sexual addiction. Other addictions caused by or related to IAD include gambling addictio n, gaming addiction, online relationships, overuse of social networking, and others. Currently, Internet addiction is not a medically recognized disorder, so diagnosis can often be difficult. This is because it is often unknown whether Internet addiction is being caused by something else. Many medical professionals believe that Internet addiction should be considered a bonafide disorder, but arguments over causality have prevented it from being recognized as a stand-alone condition (Weinstein Lejoyeux, 2010). Regardless of the way it is perceived, Internet addiction has obvious negative effects on the people experiencing it, but treatment is possible. Since the disorder is not officially recognized, diagnosis is often subjective. However, an article in a 2010 issue of the journal Addiction proposes a diagnostic criteria for IAD. Based on clinical experience and surveys, eight primary symptoms of IAD were determined. These symptoms are shown in the following list, taken from Addiction: 1. Preoccupation: a strong desire for the internet. Thinking about previous online activity or anticipation of the next online session. Internet use is the dominant activity in daily life 2. Withdrawal: manifested by a dysphoric mood, anxiety, irritability and boredom after several days without internet activity 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Addiction: an Escape from Reality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Addiction: an Escape from Reality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Addiction: an Escape from Reality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Tolerance: marked increase in internet use required to achieve satisfaction 4. Difficult to control: persistent desire and/or unsuccessful attempts to control, cut back or discontinue internet useful 5. Disregard of harmful consequences: continued excessive use of internet despite knowledge of having persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problems likely to have been caused or exacerbated by internet use 6. Social communications and interests are lost: loss of interests, previous hobbies, entertainment as a direct result of, and with the exception of, internet use 7. Alleviation of negative emotions: uses the internet to escape or relieve a dysphoric mood (e. g. feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety) 8. Hiding from friends and relatives: deception of actual costs/time of internet involvement to family members, therapist and others The article within the journal details a study involving this diagnosis criteria. 408 patients were admitted to a hospital for pathological Internet use determined by the aforementioned symptoms. One year after being released from the hospital the patients were re-examined, and the vast majority no longer met the criteria for IAD. However, IAD remained prevalent in a very small number of patients, most of whom suffered from another psychotic disorder such as personality disorder or schizophrenia (Tao, Huang, Wang, Zhang, Zhang, Li, 2010). With this study in mind, it becomes hard to deny that IAD is an actual condition. However, it is often difficult to determine whether someone is truly suffering from IAD. The previous list of symptoms was determined by a group of medical professionals in China, and this criteria may change depending on where subjects are being tested. For example, criteria for diagnosis may be different in the United States compared to European or Asian countries. There are many test and questionnaires available to take to determine if IAD may be present in an individual, the most commonly used being Youngs Internet Addiction Scale, abbreviated IAT. Others include the Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS), Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS), and the Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ). These tests attempt to determine symptoms of Internet addiction and their relation to psychological and social health. These tests, however, are not always accurate. Problems that can occur with any test or questionnaire come into play when using this method, such as dishonesty, misunderstanding the question, or poorly worded questions. One of the criticisms of these tests is that some questions do not relate to addiction, and therefore should not be used in the determination of IAD. It often becomes difficult to determine what Internet addiction truly is in these cases, as an individual may exhibit addictive behavior towards one specific activity (i. . pornography, gaming) and not any others (Weinstein Lejoyeux, 2010). The fact that IAD encompasses these different addictions, such as pornography addiction, gaming addiction, social networking addiction, etc. , gives more fuel to the argument that IAD may not be a stand-alone disorder, but rather a general term to describe one or more of these. However, simple web surfing often evolves into an addictive behavior which is recognized under IAD, and thi s activity can only be classified under IAD. Though sharing similarities with what we may consider typical addictions, such as drug and alcohol addiction, IAD is actually quite different in that it takes place entirely within the mind. Physical problems can arise out of IAD, but the disorder itself does not include actual physical addiction. The question of why IAD occurs then arises. Like any other addiction, certain people may be predisposed to experience IAD. For example, many dispositions for addiction are genetic, others are born out of childhood trauma. If a person is predisposed, or likely to develop addiction (regardless of what kind), the chance of IAD is present. The chance for addiction relies entirely on the person and a combination of stressors. If the stressors trigger at a specific time in a persons life, while the activity is occurring, the behavior may become addictive. In this case, if the Internet is being used as a release when the stressors trigger, online activity may increase which, in turn, has the chance to evolve into IAD (Ferris, 1996). IAD shares similarities with other addictions, especially on a behavioral level. The Internet, in this case, becomes an escape, or a way to alter ones mood by rejecting the real world. The Internet allows the individual to experience a temporary high, in a sense, by allowing reinforcement for desired and often unnatural for the person experiencing it. For example, a person who is shy may exhibit a very extraverted personality on the Internet in order to meet others. They are able to become someone different, possibly with traits they wish they had themselves. This experience is often very rewarding for these individuals, as they may be accepted online in ways they are not in real life. This can lead to overuse of the Internet, which can lead to IAD, in which the individual always wants to be online, or experience life as their online self constantly (Duran, 2003). This phenomenon of identifying with an online personality exists heavily within the areas of online gaming addiction and online dating. Online gaming addiction, when related to IAD, usually involves games known as Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, or MMORPGs. Within these kinds of games, players create a character which will exist in an online world, which often shares very major similarities with the real world. For example, MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft, Rift, and EVE Online all boast their own in-game economic system involving banks, stores, and other financial services. Players can interact with each other, chat, and complete quests together, among other things. The relationships experienced in these online worlds often take the place of relationships in the real world, which can cause the individual to become anti-social. The identification of an individual with an in-game character is definitely a large factor in gaming addiction. MMOPRGs usually allow for a character to constantly progress, and this progress almost never yields a real world reward, only in-game. For someone experiencing IAD, this can cause them to lose touch with reality, in a sense. This can cause in-game excitement as well as in-game frustration to be exhibited as real world emotion (Smahel, Blinka, Ledabyl, 2008). Other MMORPGs, such as Second Life, focus more on the player to player relationships than the aspect of gameplay. Rather than presenting the player with quests to complete or objectives to accomplish, Second Life introduces the player to a virtual world where almost anything can occur, just as it would in real life. Players create and customize an avatar, and are then plunged into what is literally a virtual life, which they can live in any way they see fit. This can include attending school in the game, getting married, buying a house, and having a job and going to work. The similarities with reality are much more prevalent and noticeable than in games like World of Warcraft. One of the major links between Second Life and the real world is the fact that Second Life often requires you to use real money to buy in-game items. For persons experiencing IAD, this can become a major problem. The fact that real money can be transferred between individuals in this virtual world adds a very addictive factor to the game that other MMORPGs do not exhibit. Not only can you spend money, you can also make it. This causes many people to become extremely absorbed in their literal â€Å"second life†on the Internet, which allows for very addictive behavior (Suler, 2007) This ability to essentially become whoever you want online plays a role in online dating as well. The aspect of anonymity empowers many individuals to do or say things online they would not feel comfortable with in real life. The anonymous nature of many online relationships can become addicting for many people because of this. Cyberpsychologist Mark Griffiths comments on this, stating â€Å"People behave differently online. Work on online relationships has shown that people fall in love more quickly than they do offline. Theres the strangers on a train effect – people feel anonymous, which is disinhibiting. This, plus the fact that the Internet is constantly available, makes IAD a very real possibility for individuals in these situations. Griffiths also comments on online gambling, though he believes that the true addiction here is solely gambling, and that the behavior would most likely occur offline as well. Internet addiction involves actions that only take place online, such as chatroom addiction and online gaming addiction. For the gambler, the Internet simply intensifies the addiction which is already taking place (Newman, 2008). IAD, like any other dangerous addictive behavior, can lead to many other disorders and negative behaviors. One of the most common negative aspects of IAD is its effect on personal relationships. Studies have shown that many people who are timid, have poor social skills, or already experience anxiety within interpersonal relationships may be attracted to relationships on the Internet. It is also believed that almost every addiction can be traced back to problems during an individuals childhood. In a 2007 article in the journal CyberPsychology Behavior, parent-child relationships are discussed as being correlated to IAD. In short, negative parent-child relationships beginning at a young age often evolve into negative interpersonal relationships as the child gets older. These negative interpersonal relationships can then lead directly to Internet addiction, but other times move on to social anxiety in the real world before leading to Internet addiction. The following graph illustrates this theory: Conversely, we can assume that positive parent-child relationships most often lead to more successful interpersonal relationships after adolescence. Individuals are, therefore, less likely to experience social anxiety and develop addictions such as IAD. As individuals progress through adolescence and early adulthood, the effects of past and current negative relationships may become more apparent. Many studies have found that university students often exhibit high levels of social anxiety, and may use the Internet as a way to escape their psychological fears in the real world. These students are more likely to develop online relationships, whether platonic or romantic, due to the anonymity it allows. Suler, who has studied IAD and online relationships in Second Life, and Young, who developed the Internet Addiction Scale, are professionals on IAD that have concluded that addiction to the Internet is a reaction to poor adaptation in the real world (Liu Kuo, 2007). Emotional abuse and physical abuse have been shown to be risk factors of IAD as well. A 2009 study surveyed 3769 students through an anonymous questionnaire, which included questions from Youngs Internet Addiction Scale, among others. Of these, 81. % showed a presence of emotional abuse, and 55. 1% showed a presence of physical abuse. The study concluded that moderate and severe physical abuse may be risk factors of IAD (Zhang, Hao, Yang, Zhang, Sun, Hu, Ye, Tao, 2008). Despite the amount of research and information available on IAD, there are still plenty of researchers and medical professionals who do not consider IAD to be an accepted form of addiction or disorder. Most professionals recognize an addiction or disorde r once it is published by the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, otherwise known as the DSM. One broad definition of IAD is â€Å"the inability of individuals to control their internet use, resulting in marked distress and/or functional impairment in daily life. †A large number of professionals accept this, and conclude that IAD seems to be on par with other disorders, and is comparable to other addictions, such as drug or alcohol addiction. Even symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal have been observed in individuals with IAD, very similar to individuals with a drug addiction. Dysphoric mood, irritability, anxiety, anger, and aggression have all been documented behaviors by those suffering from IAD and experiencing Internet withdrawal. However, the same physiological symptoms of drug withdrawal have not been documented in cases of Internet withdrawal. Professionals therefore cannot say that Internet withdrawal is comparable to drug withdrawal, because data has not yet presented to prove that the same nervous functions occur in Internet withdrawal, which would stipulate that true withdrawal was occurring. The same can be said for tolerance. No data has been presented to prove that an increase in intensity and frequency of Internet use generates tolerance in the same way certain drugs do. It is, therefore, assumed that withdrawal and tolerance, in the context of IAD, are figurative terms, or being used to best describe a patients symptoms. The fact that there is no true diagnosis for IAD calls into question whether it can be considered a disorder at all. Most patients diagnosed with IAD have some other form of disorder already present. In a study using Youngs Internet Addiction Scale, JH Ha found that of twelve adolescents experiencing IAD, three were suffering from a major depressive disorder, one was suffering from schizophrenia, and another suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. The fact that other disorders such as these arise so often makes it difficult to determine the causality of IAD. This also gives strength to the argument that IAD may simply be a symptom or sign of some other mental or personality disorder (Pies, 2009) Regardless of whether IAD is medically recognized by professionals, treatment is available for those experiencing IAD. The main approach to treatment of IAD is an intervention process, similar to an intervention involving drug addiction. Currently there are no other evidence-based medical treatments for IAD. Also, studies show that behavior therapy has also been successful in treating patients with IAD. Self help books and family therapy sessions are also option which may prove successful. In some cases, banning the individual from computer or Internet access entirely may be the best option (Weinstein Lejoyeux, 2010). Though the subject is much debated, its obvious that the Internet allows various psychological issues to manifest. IAD may not yet be considered a disorder on par with other addictions, but the dangers to health, social relationships, and self esteem that occur from IAD remain as very serious problems which need to be addressed. Like any addiction or disorder, IAD need to be recognized in its early stages, and steps towards prevention need to be taken. As cases of IAD continue to surface, research into causality, symptoms, prevention, and treatment will bring forth more concrete evidence in favor of or in opposition to the determination of IAD as a recognized disorder. For now, we can remain uncertain as to what causes IAD, whether it be negative childhood relationships, low self esteem, or intense social anxiety. We can, however, be sure that the technological advances involving the Internet will continue to produce a shockingly large number of negative effects on the psychological and social aspects of the human mind. Works Cited Duran, M. (2003). Internet addiction disorder. AllPsych Journal, Retrieved from http://allpsych. com/journal/internetaddiction. html Ferris, J. (1997). Internet addiction disorder: Causes, symptoms,and consequences. Unpublished, Psychology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia. Retrieved from http://www. files. chem. vt. edu/chem-dept/dessy/honors/papers/ferris. html Liu, C. , Kuo, F. (2007). 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